
Why all the hate for SIR CROSBY? I'm sure you people would love to have him on your team, RIGHT? losers!!!

by Guest62536  |  earlier

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is it because he has been stuffed down every bodies throat?or do you people really think he is the only one in hockey who complains or whines? if thats what you people think, than you people are truly idiots!!! but i do love to read your comments about how much Crosby sucks. lol




  1. im not affraid to admitt it.... i LOVEEE the redwings. grew up in michigan. but...... i LOVE sidney crosby.. i believe he is an unbelievably amazzing player... everyone that hates him, just hates him because their all jealouse and know just how amazzing he is! hes soooooo young, and has a very bright future!  

    sidney ur amazzzzing!!!!!!!! we'd loveeeeee to have u on the wings!! (and all wings fans that say "eww i would never want sidney to join the team) THINK AGAIN!

    i <3 osgood : YOUR SUCH A PUCK BUNNY!!!!!!!!

    what r u talking about the lions rock!!! ahhahahahhahah jk jk lol hahah even detroit residents hate the lions! ehhh anyways hockey is better

  2. I think Crosby is great and I like to have him on my team But to all the people that do hate him wait till there is another Team Canada made up of NHL superstars and Sid The Kid is on it how many people will love him then?

  3. He's not suck autually,just because he kinda whiny.No GMs wants a player bugs a lot on their team.

  4. I don't hate Crosby, but I highly hate the fact that it seems that about half of all hockey fans act like he is Jesus Himself. No matter what happens to the Penguins, so many people act like they will still rule the hockey world simply because they have Crosby.

  5. SIR crosby? wtf he's younger than my sister and I'm 15

    I dislike him because most Pittsburgh fans are insane about him and though he will probably become a really good player with more experience, I don't want him on the Red Wings. It seems that he is overrated...and I can't stand people who are like "omgggg sidney crosby is soo hawt!"

    Joe is right, he obviously isn't the only complainer but he does complain nevertheless and he hasn't won a flipping thing yet so just cool down, okay?

    1# Redwings fan is an idiot. Just look at the way (I'm hoping it's a she) she spells...

  6. I love Osgood - you just made a stupid generalization! lol... i'm a fan of the Pens, but in a list of my favorite pens players currently on the roster, he wouldn't even be on my top 5. so i'm not 'that crazy' about him ;) haha

    anywho, everybody has their right to not like a player. it may be because deep down inside, they are jealous that the Pens were able to snatch him first... or it may be because there is too much of a media-craze about him. nonetheless, it's their right..

  7. It is because he's not on my team..I take it you're a Pens fan?Do you hate Zetterberg or Mike Richards?Of course,Why?Cause he's not on your team.Yes he's also thrown down every ones throat and he hasn't won a thing yet.Lets wait to see how many Cups he wins before we start anointing him SIR k?

    No he's not the only complainer but he's top 3 in the NHL in complaining.

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