
Why all the hate on Kimbo?

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Ok so what if he is just a street brawler.. he can kick any of your asses.

2nd of all he's just starting to learn a new method of fighting... so what if he starts with easier opponents?

I think everyone should unbunch their panties and realize hes just a beginner at mma.... a beginner who hasnt lost yet (even though he's fighting easy opponents)




  1. I don't think the hate is on Kimbo, rather it is on the fact that of all the big name, technically skilled fighters, a 'street brawler' is the guy they put out as the face of MMA in it's network TV debut.  The sport would have benefitted more, in the long run, to have a guy like BJ Penn or George St Pierre on there to display the technical, strategic aspect of mixed martial arts.  Putting Kimbo out there might give new fans the idea that every fight will be exactly like the one they saw, and that isn't the case.

  2. All the hate because people build him up so much because of his p***y street brawls, and think that it will last him in a real fight against real fighters

  3. People need to stop comparing him to blokes with 30 fights under their belts, he's the new guy, and putting him up to guys with a similar record isnt fixing fights, its giving him a chance to develop his skills.

  4. as far as I and most people are concerned he lost the fight last night to a guy thats not very good, and has a poor record.

  5. it's like a new restaurant come to town.  it advertises for months : "Best, biggest T-Bone steaks in town".  you go there and they serve you the cheapest, toughest, thinnest steak you ever had.

  6. read what the pros wrote about kimbum if he is gonna be considered a rookie maybe he should fight on the under card he suck if you can set it i would fight him i been training fighters for years and fear no man some women scare me lol h**l yeah i would fought him in his you tube days the closest we got was some lame moron that claimed to be his cousin so if you are convinced he could whip us all set it up I'll do it  FEAR DON'T LIVE HEAR you can quote me kid

  7. There are several reasons. One is that he got to headline a card without really paying any dues. Another is that, despite all of the hype about him, he's got absolutely no ground skills and while his standup is alright, he gasses out too quick to use it. Oh, and he won his last fight by a very early stoppage.

    And I bet that there are people on Yahoo Answers who could take Kimbo. There are guys on here who are around his size and sporting good wrestling + jiujitsu backgrounds. And Thompson revealed that the ground game is a GAPING weakness for Slice. If Thompson himself wasn't so lackluster on the ground, he'd have easily finished it.

    I put a lot of faith in Bas Rutten's training and I thought that Kimbo would show some decent groundwork, but that was a big let down.

    That being said, I don't actually hate Kimbo. I'm still rooting for him, and I appreciate the fact that he's aware and honest about his lackluster performance.

  8. I agree with you all the way. Kimbo didn't stop the fight, the referee did. He fought a man who was bigger than him, who had 20 mma fights against only 3 mma fights for Kimbo. They said Thompson was no good? did they forget that James Thompson KO former UFC heavyweight champ Don Frye? For someone who only has 3 mma fights, Kimbo is very good.

  9. I'll tell you why, because he's a bum. What other MMA fighter do you know that was able to headline a card after their second fight without paying their dues, it's such a slap in the face to all the real MMA fighters. You imagine some street thug saying I think I'm going to get in to MMA in my 30's..Ya it's that easy Kimbo, their is  other guys have been doing it for years and are much better than Kimbo and they haven't headlined a card yet. And why?? Because they didn't post fights they had in their friends back yard beating up some nobody on you tube.. He's  a fu**ing loser and I can't wait until he fights anybody half decent so they can bang him out. Let me make something 100% clear to everybody, once they put somebody in with Kimbo who can kick, and the havent yet because he cant defend kicks..So once he gets put in with somebody who can kick, he's going to get smoked..And I mean smoked.

  10. I'm sure jealousy is part of it, but I think people don't like it if they think you're cutting in line.  I know next to nothing about MMA but it's already clear that Kimbo has jumped to the head of the line and that beating that poor guy with the balloon for an ear was hardly evidence of an MMA's answer to Mike Tyson.  

    For myself though, while he may have jumped the line, I hardly blame him for it, in these kind of sports you have to take your opportunities when they comb cause there probably aren't many.

  11. I'm not hating on Kimbo.  I'm calling it what it is,  little more than a gimmick which didn't go over too well.  He may be a big brawling fighter, but he is slow and out of shape and would get beaten by many people.  The real tragedy is Gary Shaw.  He put way too much pressure on Kimbo and built him as the second coming.  All it did was left people disappointed.  At best Kimbo should have been third or fourth from main event.  Shaw and CBS made a joke of MMA events.  They need to watch a WEC or UFC event to see how to put on a show.

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