
Why all the people in London look so miserable,especially on the tube?

by Guest64270  |  earlier

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Why all the people in London look so miserable,especially on the tube?




  1. maybe theyre scared of a suicide bomber, or if theyre brazilian, being shot by police.

  2. Who wouldn`t be miserable living in all that grime and pollution and amongst all the graffitti before and after travelling on a smelly, crushed tube train?  What is there to smile about?

  3. If they looked happy people would wonder if there was something wrong with them ... they live in London after all.

  4. London is not some fun place I dont like living here but what can I do

  5. have you ever worked in London and had to get to work by tube. I nearly killed myself it was so horrible. Best thing I ever did was quit and move away.

  6. I'd look miserable too if I had to live in London!!!

  7. I think it's something to do with the fact that in London it's generally assumed that the people who want to make conversation with you on the tube are exactly ther sort of people you don't want to talk to i.e. nutters, so that's why people don't talk to one another.

    Also people generally keep to themselves and most people try not to stare or look at one another because it's kind of rude. I also agree with the other answers that people are off to work and prob aren't looking forward to it!

    Also people maybe concerned about the public transport now Boris has taken

  8. because there depressed with there lives working 9 to 5 in a dead end job and no way to escape the system has them by the balls

  9. so many people so little space

    you would be wishing for holidays tooo

  10. probably cos of the weather. we get spoilt with 2 weeks of sunshine and then it's back to normal, grey and gloomy. what's to be happy about?

  11. If you had to travel to work in a sardine tin,in one of the most expensive places to live in and with constant "scare" security alerts,then you could be one of the miserable hordes.

  12. Coz they are tired with the rat race.

  13. they live in the worst part of a bankrupt (morally, financially and intelectually) country.

  14. The weather, tax, economic meltdown and the high price of everything.

  15. The locals of any city aren't for the amusement of tourists.  Many of them are on their way to or from work, not when most people are their happiest.

    Note:  I've read similar questions about other cities in Europe and the US.

  16. You wld be too if u had to sit on a tube for hrs from early in the morning and probably going to a job u hate anyway and knowing u have to do it all again the next morning.

  17. Its the tube whats there to be happy about been using the tube non stop since I could remember and i hate it

    people in your face reading newspapers show offs lost tourist idiots pulling little luggage coughers spreading sweaty smelly hot crowded men all around me.

  18. Because if you smile at someone in London they either think you have escaped from an institution and call the police or think you are sexually abusing them and call the police.

    either way its easier not to smile and not get sued or arrested.

    people are so ready to judge and prosecute nowadays no wonder no one is happy to look happy they're scare of being taken to court for it!

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