
Why all the questions about Bristol from the left, despite their own candidate's call to end them?

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Obama himself said the candidates' families are off-limits and he said their children are especially off-limits. That's the first thing he's said that I agree with. So why must his voter base continue this? Are they so nervous about what Palin is bringing to McCain's campaign that they have to resort to slitting the throat of a frightened seventeen-year-old who made the mistake of a lifetime just so their candidate will have a better shot in November?




  1. i went back 4 pages and the only ones i saw were 2 from you guys

  2. Well, Obama doesn't control the media. When McCain said that families were off limits people still attacked Michelle. And you can't blame the question asking on just the  left. I'm sure a few republican were shocked about the announcement. It seemed like they were trying to hide it like it was some dirty little secret.  While she was taking about Track in Iraq, moosehunting, snow mobiling , her husband working for the oil company and all the jazz maybe she could have said and  future Proud grandma or something.    No, they put blanket on her bumb during Mrs. Palin announcement hoped no one notice that the girl was pregnant .    " . . . slitting the throat of a frightened seventeen-year-old " aren't you a little dramatic!  The girl was 5 months in Alaska, nobody cared. Not one blurb about it.  It was her mom who chose to run in a national elecion, drag her out on the national stage and expose her to this.  I feel sorry that this girl's business is being splashed all over the tv, but her mom should have know this was coming.  Jaime Lynn Spears  teenage pregnancy was on every news network for like 2 weeks.  Really, did they think the media was going to give her a free pass on this?

  3. The left are tasteless.

  4. Obama said what he said because he can afford to.  He has an army of radicals, left wing bloggers, socialists, anal YA teenagers and angry anarchists to do his wet work for him.

  5. Because they're classless.

  6. Well, I have seen people talk about Obama's kids and wife on this site for months now.

    So I don't happen to agree that kids are of limits if the parents are using the kids as pawns as Palin has used her kids.

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