
Why all the questions about Sarah Palin?

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Do you...

A. Have no life so you are desperately trying to grab onto anyone that does?

B. Know that Barry is in deep do-do are are desperately grasping onto ANYTHING in a pitiful attempt to discredit his opponent.

C. Are a control freak that thinks they should be the one that dictates how other should run their lives and those of their children.

D. Just a sick little freak that gets their jollies in attacking anyone in the news.

Sarah Palin is the daughter of a VP candidate and Barry said children and spouses should be off limits. Since you blindly follow your leader, why don't you listen on this point?




  1. Sarah Palin is the epitome of the holier-than-thou Republican hypocrite. She is against birth control, against s*x education, only for abstinance, and her 16-year old got preggers because Palin is a negligent parent. That's why.

  2. Because she could very well end up being the most powerful leader on the planet and it is the right of the people to ask questions about those who do and might govern them.

  3. an inferior pick for VP with a mere bachelor of arts in journalism with 2.0, is going to be bashed by public. She doesn't even have master's degree or law school.  Ofcourse she will be criticized

  4. Seems the liberals are rather scared of her.

  5. Palin's teen is pregnant xD

    what does that say about her great mothering skills??

    Okay her teen is not a CHILD.

    I'm 15 and I'm not pregnant.

    My parents had sense in rasing me the right way, so yes I have a right to judge our possible VICE PRESIDENT of OUR COUNTRY.  Just like everyone judges Obama.

    So thanks for the concern but no, my argument is not one of those little choices you had up there and oh, it's called an opinion.  I have one just like  you have yours.

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