
Why all the time .......?

by  |  earlier

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how come every time i get on the bus people start talking about me???? but when i see ppl get on the bus who look worse than me no one says a THING about them. grrrr,.... last time i got on the bus 2 fat ppl laughed at me and im not even fat...and this time i got on the bus 2 boys were talking about me. and i didn't give them any eye contact or anything...... how can i be confident when the entire world thinks im fugly. I mean i know i have an awkwardness about me and im funny looking but why me??....and this happens everywhere i go ppl seem to pinpoint me out??.....




  1. The world is a superficial place and Even the smallest incongruity of a person is labeled. In english, everyone in the world likes to look at peoples fault. These people are usually insecure about themselves. Like those fat people they know there life sucks because there fat asses and look at other people to hide their own insecurities. Personally I'm sure you are a beautiful person (combination of physical and emotional). And the 2 boys that were talking about you were most probably talking about how hot you are :].

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