
Why all the unneccesary packaging?

by  |  earlier

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I think that we should name and shame products that have more packaging than is really needed. As householders we are being told to reduce our landfill waste and recycle more. But what responsibilty is being put on the companies who over package the products we buy?




  1. It would be great if there was standard sized, reusable shipping boxes, with a deposit , so that stores would go to the trouble of returning them.  It seems like the delivery trucks could round them up, and drop them off at the next warehouse. it's done with pallets. We'd sure be eliminating a lot of waste - packaging seems like half of all garbage.

  2. We should as a group of consumers request when we

    check out at the store that they keep what we don't

    need. Take it out of the package if at all possible.

    Leave without what you don't need!! Bring a bag or

    two to help with the problem. They own it let em keep it!

    The only way to end it is to request a change and loud!!

  3. Everything is over packaged.  This is America  bigger is better right, look at all of the big cars and houses.  It's horrible.  We should have some sort of boycott maybe people would listen then.

  4. Most sellers try to eliminate as much packaging as possible.  It is in their financial interest to do so.  Less packaging means less overhead.  However, you cannot eliminate all of the packaging.  Packaging will stay if it is needed to protect the product from damage in shipping or from the elements.  It will stay if it is needed to protect the product from tampering or theft.  Very few products that I know of have excess packaging.  Some people will point to the amount of styrofoam used to ship electronics.  However, that is needed to protect the product from drops and bumps.  The styrofoam absorbs the damage.  It is protecting the product.

    Some possible examples I can think of could be cereal.  Why does it come in a bag and a box?  There are cereal brands that come only in a bag.  This probably has to do with the ability to stack the product.  Kind of hard to stack bags of cereal, at least compared with boxes of cereal.


  6. its true,

    when my dad was lil he said all toys just came in a box and that was it.

    no annoying lil wire things holding them down with extra cardeboard decorations and stuff

    extra packaging is annoying and bad for the planet

  7. yea, something should be done about this! what's up with all the bubble wrap and styrofoam??

  8. Nowadays companies are taking care in packing and using more recycled stuff.

    So i not exactly sure which product you are talking about.

  9. part of the over packaging is because of all the crack heads ot there.

    most companies would use less packaging if they did not have to worry about the thieves being able to just put they product in there pocket and leave the store without paying

  10. small items are put in big packages to help prevent thief

  11. unfortunately, there are no regulations involving the amount of packaging.  companies over package items, especially electronics, so they they can safely make it through shipping.  it costs them alot more to replace damaged goods than it does to add a bunch of bubble tape, etc.

    when it comes to corporate packaging policies, the bottom line will always win.

  12. because its a scam , to make more money !!!!!!!

  13. The purpose of packaging is not only to protect the item, but to sell the item.  Years ago, packages were plain boxes with some text and pictures to show what's inside.  When you buy some items for your computer; however, they sometimes come from on-line dealers in plain white boxes. Less packaging, but then again, the package is not there to sell the item.  

    Now when you look at a toy at Toys R Us, there is a lot of clear plastic.  This is to show you every part of the item in hopes that you will decide to purchase it.  The packaging also is often times designed to prevent easy access.  Although at times I feel that this is just an joke on us when we try and remove it at home, the real reason is to protect the store from "shrinkage", also known as shop lifting.

    So in the end, we are to blame for what we blame the manufactures for.  Or perhaps "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us".

  14. pshhh, EXACTLY! it's the big companies and the gov't that need to make the big effort. but that doesn't mean we should leave it up to them.

  15. example?, I am not sure what products would over package?

    Like a bag of chips, is a bag of chips...I do not think it could be any simpler.

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