
Why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Israel won the 6 Day War?

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Why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Israel won the 6 Day War?




  1. Cause it helps them justify murder.

  2. that's not true and you know it Palestinians have always maintained  there Palestinian identity its the Jewish people that decided sixty years after having no land to invade Palestine .

    so when you think about it identity is really an Israeli issue.

  3. that  is not true

    they have been there looong before israel and will be there after it's all over

  4. They were ruled by Jordan and Egypt before the 6 day war.  With Israel now ruling these areas, they created an artificial identity.

  5. why did you suddenly discover that you must ask such question.

  6. Hi Hurley,  It's connected to 6 Day War but also connected to another event in time.

    This is the same time frame as the Black September in Jordan (yes the group which was later responsible for Munich) which sprouted from Fatah (which was part of PLO) after Israel had already won the 6 Day War. In 6 Day War, Syria wanted quote "annihilation" and Egypt expressed "the eradication of Israel." Egypt was playing the PLO against both Israel and Jordan. So there is alot of documentation on PLO in this regard.

    The PLO guerrillas were doing skirmishes with Israel and one time the Jordanian Army (against orders from King Hussein) assisted these guerrillas. Even Queen Noor attested to fact that Jordan didn't want to engage Israel.  Israel didn't want to engage Jordan either they had just won the 6 Day War, but only fending off the guerrillas so Israel withdrew from the skirmish to avert war with Jordan.  The PLO claimed a false victory because of that. The PLO caused some problems in Jordan and this how the nationalism with so many people started.  Jordan couldn't contain the "radicals."

    Jordan is home to "palestine" region people, with current about 50 percent arab from this region. The original region of Palestine included Jordan so they have strong nationalism. There was no reason to try to overthrow Jordan except that it was "too moderate." The PLO tried to take on the Jordanian gov't. They tried to assassinate King Hussein and did assaults on jordan military.  One time, they decapitated a jordanian soldier's head, and used it for soccer practice.  They used to go around with guns and demand taxes from civilians at gun point in shops and busineses and at checkpoints.  This is how they first got started. They operated as a "state within a state" by terror tactics within Jordan. This was going on for along time before Jordan eventually expelled them to Lebanon. This contributed to the founding of their "identity."

    Their motivation was not that they are distinct "nation" because they already had that established in Jordan-Palestine and could have very well ended up assimilating into Lebanese society as well. Egypt didn't want them assimilated anywhere. Egypt and Syria pawned them with PLO's goal to terrorize and capture Israel.  That is the only thing that binds this armed group of thugs. They have no distinct tradition apart from Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria other than the terror and desire to overcome Israel, although they claimed they do based on "indivisable" arab nationalistic pride. Even PLO's first charter they signed off any "sovereign" claim to any land, including West Bank and Gaza and Himmah (?) In another, they declared they were a political movement to "capture" the entirety of the "Arab indivisable homeland" and would develop an army to do such. In short, only an arab can govern the land.

    This goes hand in hand with what PLO chairman said:

    "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." -- PLO Executive Committee member Zuhayr Muhsin, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw."

    This is where it gets tricky. Currently this "armed resistance" to the establishment of Israel can be considered Hamas (developed 1987 by Muslim brotherhood and fueled by both MB and FLLP) and that the Fatah party within PLO developed the PA (by Oslo accords) and became slightly more moderate.  Similar thing that PLO attempted with Jordan, Hamas did in Gaza; after election into PA, they gained full control by force from Fatah and attempted to become sole Palestinian Authority over the land.

    So that is the how when and why. Basically, they got their nationalism on armed resistance against the establishment of the state of Israel. It is because of Israel's victory in 6 Day War that Egypt and Syria didn't want to fight (lose) anymore, but continued to fight by proxy with these groups. The problem was also in Black September Jordan when the radicals didn't get reigned in but actually got expelled from Jordan to Lebanon, deferring the problem radicals to where we see today.   Jordan and Egypt signed peace treaty with Israel.

  7. Why did Israelis suddenly declare their national identity in 1958? Why do Jews that don't even have Israeli nationality call themselves Israeli? When they would never ever want to live there anyway? Beats me. When did Americans discover their nationality? And in the very end, who cares what nationality we are. It's called the human race. Get over it.

    If you really want to know the history of Palestine and Palestinians google British Mandate of Palestine, you'll find out that Palestinians were around alot longer than the 6 day war.

  8. Hello Hurley,

    There is no such thing as "Palestinian" nationality because "Palestine" was never a nation.  It is just a lack of identity.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  9. If you believe is kind of Zionists propaganda now you will discover as you get older that Palestinian national identity existed before the Israeli colony.

  10. I gather you are unfamiliar with the Civil War of 1936-39. The Palestinians revolted against judeo-british rule. Their leading theorist was George Antonius,who died in 1940. He was a Christian Palestinian. You seem curiously ill-informed on the pre-1948 history of Palestine. I gather your mentality is that if it took acts of international and high-profile resistance to overcome media indifference and this agenda began in 1968 under George Habish of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine  then their national identity did not exist until then.

    Do you not have any personal identity because the mass media ignores you?

    Palestinians have always had a national identity,unlike jews,a wandering tribe if ever there was such a thing. To this day they are largely spread out all over the globe.

  11. Ottoman Empire supported a covenant giving their territories a right to self-determination.  They also along with the British supported a partition for two homelands.  Palestine was described as 'developed enough for self-determination in the future' before the end of WWI.  Many of them were Jordanian and Egyptian and had recently immigrated to the was prosperous at the time. Most of those refugees left because they didn't like the partition and settled elsewhere and didn't return.

  12. Hate is an interesting thing to study.


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