
Why allblacks kicked out from rugby worldcup 2007 by france?

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after1987 newzealand neverwon a world cup

but they are the best favoutites for this worldcup...

its disgusting u know

how do u feel abt this?




  1. 3 Words sum it all up. Not good enough. But I also subscribe to the conspiracy theory, IRB incompetence, which included

    Ref and Touch Judges inadequate referring displays. The debacle about the uniforms, and the lack of nous used by the All Greys last week.

  2. Better luck next time, I still like them.

  3. The saddest thing about the whole thing is how down and dejected the team looked (and still look). To be honest, I think as a fan it's really irrelevant how I feel. When you support a team, sometimes they win sometimes they lose. I'm not the one on the field staring at nearly 900kgs of sweat and muscle and it's just how it goes! The world cup may have eluded them but they've achieved so much over the last few years the real travesty would be to dwell too much on their early departure in this one tournament. To keep things in perspective, nobody died because of it. I hope they all get over it eventually and just get on with things. There's still the Air New Zealand cup going on you know!

  4. Because rugby is only a sport and when you play a game, either you win or you loose.

    I'm French and I consider the All Blacks as the best team in the world. But when they play an other good team like France, they can loose from time to time, it does not mean that you should burn them on the market place as if they were c**p...Cheers.

  5. they are good but i guess they are also an oversure team abd ends up making big mistakes.

  6. Its easier to say that the bois played c**p because watching the game is easier than playing. I know because I'm a rugby player myself and its easy for someone to say, why didnt u do this or that when u could've?? But when it comes to putting words into action, it's harder then it looks. So full credit to the bois, they played their hearts out but on the day, france just played better footy! But thats the nature of sport, if sport was a win win situation, we wouldn't play it. At the end of the day, one is victorious and the other is not. I just wonder tho how much has this victory helped france in terms of its confidence, belief and the mental edge they have gained out of this game. If i was south africa now, i wouldn't be overly confident just yet because the pumas have prooven themselves as worthy finalists. Even england shouldn't be counted out of the equation yet because they still have that golden boot of wilkinson which is proving the difference btween the winner and the looser!

  7. I don't feel bad at all, as sporting fans, this is what happens, favorites get upset, thats the beauty of the sport...

    hopefully now people will look at New Zealand as just what they are, a team made up of great players, not an invincible team!!!

    Lots of teams fell short this year,

    Oz, Wales, and my fav team Ireland who had arguably the best team they have ever assembled!

  8. Because they're c**p? I feel great about it. It's always funny when either Australia or New Zealand lose at rugby, because they take it so seriously.

  9. the ABs lost because of aggorance

    they were camped in the french half for the last 10 min and refused to take the drop goal option instead they wanted the try

  10. One of the many reasons is also why they have so many supporters: they like playing rugby like Brazil likes playing soccer - with flair and beauty.  It is not in their genes to play their game just kicking for position and/or points.  Against some teams you just have to kick for points, but not the All Blacks!  The difference on Saturday was a kick at goal or enforcing the rules about forward passes.  They will be favourites for next World Cup, just like Brazil will be in soccer and they might lose again just like Brazil often inexplicably does.

  11. I like the allblacks but I'm French so I support the French team..Why did the all blacks lose? Because the French played a good game too and there has to be a winner in the end?

    How do u think we felt when France lost to Italy in Soccer last year during theWolrd Cup? ...especially when the referee had it in for the French and the Italians kept provoking and verbally insulting our players on purpose?...which is what they also did to the American soccer team before getting to the finals, even kicking one of the players..

    Now that was much more upsetting for France to lose under these circumstances than the all blacks losing against the French yesterday. At least the Kiwis and the French both played fair and really well....and no one insulted each other..Better luck next time for New Zealand.  :o)

  12. Actually i hope that all blacks go through but france deserved the win,a brave and respectable victory,especially it is not on their home soil

  13. Whatever the reason the All Blacks lost, let us remember that not only did they lose, but France won.  Give credit where it is due.  This is sport but sadly, at least in this forum and in the wider community, it would seem that sportsmanship is a forgotten art.

    As Ia Springbok supporter, I love and support my team win or lose.  I would never trash them.

    Let's cut the Kiwis some slack here.  They have done so much for Rugby throughout the history of the game and to be honest, if it wasnt for them, the Springboks would be all the poorer for not having their most worthwhile rival to make this wonderful game so exciting.

    The A.B's will bounce back and with any grieving situation, the rest of us rugby crazies, should hold out the hand of sympathy.

    Losing when you are a proud Rugby Nation hurts!

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