
Why always boyfrnd n grlfrnd always go to cafe to drink coffee not tea ???

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Why always boyfrnd n grlfrnd always go to cafe to drink coffee not tea ???




  1. what statistics u have to prove ur point.

  2. It is a matter of personal choice, there is nothing hard and fast about it.

  3. i don't understand this question or the first answer.  is there a new kind of english that i'm not aware of?

  4. coffee is fresh of mind and kiss freely  

  5. sounds Cool !!!!!!! CAN i have one more please

  6. in cafe it doesn't contain any tea

  7. not many young people like eating tea, and coffee sounds mature but not too mature

  8. Because the word coffee sounds refreshing, youthful, and fashionable.

    While tea also refreshes you equally, most people consider the idea of tea or the actual word to be somewhat numb.

  9. In INDIA peoples believe in showing n coffee reflects a good sign as compared to tea n this makes them to feel superior.

  10. 1) Inherited idea from a long back romantic book, which people still use.

    2) Neither of the partners think before about were to go, so they end up with this default ancient stuff.

    3) There are people who prefer tea, ice-creams, pizza etcetc.


    4)Thicker the thing to eat or drinker , more the time they can spend together :-)


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