
Why am I able to see an aura around living things? I always have.?

by Guest56797  |  earlier

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Whilst I can see it links in with people's past/future/etc I wonder whether there is a also a rational way of looking at it, perhaps a mutant gene or some such. I am useless at science though fascinated by it, and would love to investigate.




  1. Probably because you are an 'Aurable' person......

  2. I'm sure you know what you're talking about. I have always maintained that classical education errodes any kind of spiritual ability. Basically those 'boffins' cannot and will never be able to see it !

    I think that the reason why you are able to see peoples auras is because your eyes let in more light / information than other people. Are your iris's small? (the coloured bits of your eyes).

    Do you see auras in colour or black and white?

  3. look at the history of edgar cayce. what you have is a gift of great value, so learn the correct ways to use it to help others. as a gift, you need guidance concerning it's use. pray about that and you'll get answered on what to do.

  4. You should start your research with the children. Did you ever notice the drawings they made . People in a diff rent colors. The reason for that is that they see't and because our home t much much safer and secure then the old days. Human don' have to relay on this gift any more.

    We all born withs this

    Look in to history books and churches, the paintings on the walls. What you see around people heads is aura.

  5. Read some of Sylvia Brownes books, you have a physic ability. She will show you what to do with your blessing.

  6. Being able to see light around figures means that there is a large ammount of chlorine in you eyes. If you swim in a very chlorinated pool, then that's the source.

  7. Great.  Apparently god wants you to win a million bucks, because if you can prove it, this guy will give it to you.

    Go for it.  When you win the million, there will be thousands of scientists who would love to see how you do it.  You'll probably win the Nobel Prize.  The only reason I can think that you'll pass up this opportunity is that you're lying.  You're not lying, are you?

  8. Nothing to do with mutant genes - I'm sure you'll be happy to know.

    Most likely you are more in touch with your unconscious mind and because of this you are able to see what other folks are not able to see because they're not as 'in touch' with their unconscious mind.

    It's something that cannot be proved by science - it just 'is' and you should accept this lovely gift.

  9. Hallucinations are not an 'ability'.  They are a mental disorder.  People do not have 'auras'.  There is a very rational way of looking at it, and it is through scientific instruments, which do not reveal anything unexpected or unusual about the typical human.

    The only possible explanation beyond hallucinations that I can think of is that somehow you are able to see FAR further into the infrared than an ordinary person, to the point that air heated by someone's skin appears to you to emit light.

    You can easily test this.  Simply turn on your oven, let it warm up to 400 Fahrenheit or so, then briefly open the door.  If you can see the puff of hot air that escapes from the oven actually emitting light, this would be rather extraordinary.

    Anyone can see the distortions hot air makes in normal visible light passing through it.  I'm not talking about that.  I'm talking about actually seeing the air glow.  If you can do this, you should contact Guinness right now.  If not, you are hallucinating these auras.

  10. I'm going with the fact that we all have an electric field around us; whether each is the same or each of us has a different colour field, I cannot say. Perhaps your astrological birth chart has strong Mercury/Neptune (vision sense/cinematic capture) and/or, Mercury/Uranus (vision sense/electricity) aspects. Go to & use the "free horoscope" to have a read about your birth chart. I don't have these aspects; I can't see auras, but I am an Astrologer.

  11. It's called

  12. people who see auars develop themselves spiritually & usually  work hard for you are gifted by God in some way to be able to do that & you definitely have healing or psychic abilities...

    as you probably know, there's the Kirlian photography  which takes  really accurate photos of people's auras also..

    you could study to deveopl your ablities & pray for God to guide you on how best you can use your abilities to serve others...

    there's a college in London which is very reputable for this kind of thing, in case you were interested this is is thier website:

    hope this is of some help!

    PS> you could also go to Mind,Body,Spirit exhibitions where you can meet like-minded people (please google it).

  13. Many people see this; many do not say because of the tendency in Western society at least for people to ridicule those whose experience differs from theirs.  Kirlian photography, discovered accidentally in the 1930s by  a Russian physicist, reveals part of this emanation.... or subtle body. It is possible to help others to see it, I think only if they want to, ask to. I'd never offer.... :)

  14. I dont know - maybe you are 'special'?

  15. mayby you should go to spec savers!

  16. Glucomma causes the out side of objects to appear lighter please go see an optician it could be serious. honestly I`m not joking.

  17. You see auras I shoot fire from my eyes my neibors flesh regenerates my friend can read thoguhts...what are there not all ready enoguh paranormal people in this country!!!

  18. might need glasses

  19. what you mention in your question is not that clear and kind

    of mixed-up,though at first sight sounds plausible,any way

    you are very unsure of yourself,and seeks for approval from

    external sources,or perhaps is the result of hearing the its

    impossible lecture and by now you think you might can label

    what you experience as the result of some gene mutation,

    or a mutant gene as you said,the only thing that make some

    logical sense is your fascination with science,you are definetly leading yourself to a depression,bravo!but the good

    news ;science can provide you a treatment for it,now the not so-good,-would the treatment cure yourself 100%?why i say this,take a look;

    Individuals with WS, a neurodegenerative syndrome, characteristically suffer from diabetes mellitus and optic nerve degeneration. They also often report paranoid delusions, progressive dementia, hallucinations, and violent and assaultive behavior, according to the study published in the January issue of- Molecular Psychiatry (Vol. 3, No.1, p. 86–91 ). then again,in accordance with the nature of logic,

    and the method you used to validate your deductive reasoning,is it possible that your chosed reasoning path

    would lead you to a healthy state of the mind?

  20. Contrary to some of the answers here it is possible to measure the auric field around any living thing. It is believed that all living things have an electro magnetic field. This field can be measured using a sensitive EMF meter. Some people have the ability to detect this field either by touch or by sight.

    The ability to detect the aura is quite easy to teach and is basic to most forms of healing. Reiki for example uses the auric fields of both the patient and the practitioner. Any of a number of Healing therapies will explain your ability to visualise the aura.

    If you wish to investigate it further contact the society for phsychical research who will be able to tell you your options.

  21. You are not alone, and many people use the Aura as an indicator of the physical or spiritual well being of a living thing.  Auras not only have a color, but they have texture, densitiy and brightness.  Variances in these characteristics reflect the state of the individual.

    Can other people learn this ability?  At least some people can, but it takes dedication and practice.  You seem to have discovered this abilitiy early in life, and it has become part of your normal world.  For many people, they would have to "unlearn" what they currently see in order to see what you are seeing naturally.

    Auras are a reflection of life force in an individual.  You are not only picking up on the visual stimuli produced by the life energy, but you also sound like you are having empathetic reactions to what you are "seeing".  It sounds like you are making spiritual connections with the individuals that you are "reading" and, in understanding their spirit, you are connecting to their past, present, and future.

    There was a group in the late 19th century called the Theosophists.  They attempted to map the human aura and the stages of spiritual development in individuals.  The reading is dense, but it may be helpful if you want to see how some other people have approached these issues using a standard method.  I'll list some other, less technical books in sources.  Good luck!

  22. You could have glaucoma which is a sight threatening disease and should be checked by a doctor, or you could be experiencing a form of migraine.

  23. Most people who have this abiltiy have it beaten out of them by their families. Don't allow it to fade, practice it daily, get real good at it. Use it to seperate the goons from the gold.

  24. More detail would be interesting.  What extent does the aura have?  Is it around dogs, ants, bacteria, trees, and grass  also?  Does it come in different colours?  What use have you found for this ability?  If it is not just imagination, it seems hard to comprehend.

    Nevertheless, as a previous poster has said, if you can demonstrate its reality, you could easily earn $1million.

  25. Thats so cool

    Peple ususally lose this ability in early childhood very few people hold on to it

    you could easily train people

    i'm learning how to do it and its really difficult


    may be you could help me...

  26. Its the way the neurons are formed in your brain and eyes.

    you may possible be able to sense a different frequency

    of light waves then most people. What you call an "aura"

    may just be the heat from the person's body. Which can

    be seen if you use so kind of infer-red camera.

    its not so wierd.

    for example dogs can hear higher frequencies then humans.

    some people claim that when they hear sounds, they can

    associate colors with the sounds.

    your nervous system has developed differently then the average persons.

    It called evolution.

  27. only some people have the spiritual power like u.

  28. Coz you smoke far too much grass man

  29. idk. Some people can I guess. Consider it a gift. Nobody can explain the unexplainable.

  30. I'm not sure, but you should definately look into it. Look in the local library or check online.

  31. Lets get one thing clear straight away for all the smug cretins who have used scientific snobbery to discredit your question.

    The existence of the human aura is no longer a scientific mystery but a fact that can be proved with "scientific" methods. There are many people who seem to be able to see auras although I would warn you that a lot of nonsense has been written about what the colours in auras mean. My advice would be to read plenty but trust your own observations more. Look at the colours when you see them and evaluate the persons process. Are they angry sad bored exited etc. Above all do not let ignorant detractors put you off.

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