
Why am I always constantly tired?

by  |  earlier

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I a, always tired 24/7..literally. For example I woke up this morning at 12:00 and half an hour later, I was extremely tired, so I had to take a "nap". Due to my constant fatigue, I'm always having these sharp headaches. Now I'm only 17 years old, so why am I always tired. As I'm typing this, I'm very tired. Its like I can't get through a whole day without being tired all the time. So why is this happening. And trust me, I do get 8 hours of sleep




  1. Children and teenagers actually do need more than just 8 hours of sleep, usually somewhere in the 9-10 range.  I myself take constant naps, but it interferes with a good sleep schedule for me, but I can't help it.  There are some diseases that cause excessive fatigue, such as having "mono," but also it you have an underactive thyroid.  You should have a blood test, have them test for everything, and see if there are any deficiencies.  Even a weak immune system or low blood cell count can cause excessive fatigue.

  2. well i went trough something like that. i was always tired and without a clock i could sleep for 15 + hours.  headachs come from ... yes... to much sleep.  check for high blood pressure. and if your depressed that will do it to. if neather one of these effect you .. see a doctor.

  3. Severe Chronic Clinical Depression

    You need to be on at least one antidepressant.  

  4. Low blood sugar causes fatigue.

  5. try to adjust your body to ONLY get 8 hours of sleep. This worked for me (i had the same problem as you)

    you will be very tired at first, but then your body will adjust. It makes you more tired when you over sleep, as weird as that sounds.

    also, exercise. it does wonders.

    and take your vitamins.  

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