
Why am I always hungry even when I eat?

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I use to pretty much starve myself and then I would go and shove myself with food. I did that on and off. I never gained weight. I was never hungry either. Then I started eating good and then for a while now I've just been so hungry all the time. Even when I eat I'm still starving. I'm always watching my weight and I'm afraid I'm going to get bigger. I can now eat a small pizza and like 2 smoothies all to myself. Actually I can eat two small pizzas :| That doesn't seem good to me. It's weird how I use to eat one slice and get so full now I'm able to eat so much more. Also, I'm a vegetarian and I'm wondering if this could be why.

Thanks :]




  1. because you are greedy

  2. I think you're eating more because you're not eating the right foods. When you eat pizza you want more because your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs. Your body isn't getting what it needs so it wants more. Eat healthier foods like salads and whole-wheat sandwiches. I understand you are a vegetarian and you body might not be getting the protein it needs. Try eating yogurt and eggs. Small servings of protein can fill you up. I had the same problem but after I started eating healthier, I started eating less. Hope I helped :)

  3. Vegetarians experience hunger for a variety of reasons the two most primary are that vegetable matter is less dense than meats and there can be issues of getting enough protein and or fats.

    I suggest getting some of those fake soy jerkies to have on hand in your purse. They cost about a dollar and really do calm you down in a pinch. I like the primal strips brand

    Also a spoon full of fresh ground peanut butter will do wonders to quel the stomach. Others foods I recommend are avocados and olives which are rich in fats, quinoa, soy, and spirulina (complete proteins), beans of all types, and nut butters. Cashews are good but really fatty. Almond butter is better for you being alkaline and rich in protein.

    Hope this helps.

    : )

    P.S. One thing to avoid like the plague is feeding your hunger with carbs like cereal or white rice, etc, as this will satiate you for about a half and hour and you get hungry all over again facilitating a vicious cycle.

  4. I think that you should participate and become invovled in many activities instead of keeping on eating food like a hobby. My sister used to have the same problem before she atarted to play in a soccer team. Now she had lost a lot of weight then before and it certainly took away most of her interest in food.

  5. You must have Prater/Willy disorder. I suggest you research this and seek medical advice. I hope you get this in order. I had a friend who had this disorder and it only got worse with age.

  6. Being hungry after eating could be for a number of reasons. Sometimes when people are not taking in an adequate amount of calories, then they tend to feel hungry. If I eat a cup of watermelon, I will feel hungry sooner than if I ate a cup of almonds. Reason being b/c the almonds take longer to digest and are also more filling than the melon.

    It also sounds as if you relationship with food was not the best one(before now). People now a days often loose their ability to recognize hunger. You may not be hungry at all, but since you "ruined" your bodies natural ability to sense when it is hungry(by starving yourself and then binging on food), you do not know what real hunger feels like. Many people are surprised to know that the feeling of hunger is actually felt in the throat(like thirst).

    You are probably like most people that think they are hungry, when actuallity they are not. It takes a while to retrain the brain to recognize real hunger and not eat b/c of emotional hunger. Children are amazing with their ability to eat mindfuly, they eat until they are no longer hungry and walk away. Many adults cannot do this(they feel the need to "clean their plate").

    There are some great books on the topic. It is often called mindful eating. Some books you may want to try are:

    Eating Mindfully: How to End Mindless Eating and Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food

    by Susan Albers

    Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think

    by Brian Wansink

    Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works

    by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

  7. You may not be getting enough protein or complex carbs if you are a vegetarian.  This causes your blood sugar to spike & drop, making you hungry.  Nuts, beans, & whole grains are your friends & will keep that from happening. Try grapes & almonds or walnuts. Add some nuts to your smoothie in the form of almond or cashew  butter& watch the sugar in your ingredients  Make your own pizza out of whole wheat crust & your favorite toppings & have a salad with chick peas to top it off.

  8. You probably just need to consume more fat.  There may also be emotional reasons why you feel the need to eat more.

    With regard to the previous response, it is "Prader-Willi" syndrome, and it is not something you need concern yourself with.  It is a very rare genetic disorder frequently mistaken for Downs Syndrome.  In other words, something that would have been diagnosed in early childhood.

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