
Why am I always stressed, depressed and in a bad mood?

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I'm always stressed, depressed, worried...the lot. I always have some kind of situation which stresses me out and keeps me worried. I also sleep really late...i'l have cleaned up and all then I'l be in my bed just thinking and thinking about stuff..then before I know it, its already 3am, when Ive been in bed at 10pm. Im always also in a bad mood...mainly fed up. I cant take it anymore guys I need help. Whats wrong with me...nothing is right. Thanks alot




  1. That is because you have a bad relationship with the world, and probably with yourself.  Try to do more exercise, like running so that you can unwind those negative self states.  You have to combat such negative mood going in your mind towards that dimension that makes you happy.

  2. Dear Rose,

    I understand how you feel, I went through a similar situation a number of years ago.  The very best thing I can suggest is you read the book:  POTATOES NOT PROZAC by Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons.  This book SAVED MY LIFE.

    Dr DesMaisons also has a website called Radiant Recovery which covers just about everything in the book and is full of stories by others in the same situation as you.  Please, please, please check it out.

    I went from being un-happy, depressed and unable to sleep to being happy relaxed and understanding that it was not me, it was what I was eating.

    Good luck and happy days ahead...cheers

  3. You are doing too much before you go to bed.  I have done this and you need to relax at least a couple of hours before you go to bed.  Say watch tv or read a book, have a hot drink and a bath.  Turn you computer offf at about 9 pm YES 9 PM. Then have a bath or shower and try to relax, reeelax!  Hot drink, good book and turn lights out at 11.15.  I am not doing this tonight as I have the day off tomorrow but you should seriously consider this.  Or else, you are burning the candle at both ends.  I don't think you are depressed, although, you should talk to your doctor about your nocturnal habits and see what they say!  

    Also, what is worrying you?  Get advice about it, whether it is financial, personal relationships, work related - you know what bugs you.  I am sure this thing of not sleeping is more than you make out and only YOU KNOW. what it is. Am I right?  

    Remember, a problem shared is a problem halved.  So hopefully you have halved this one already!  

    I wish you all the best and as any good psalmist would, I will say a prayer for you.

  4. Depression is what you may have. You can always contact your doctor and s/he can give you something

  5. Sounds like you may have an anxiety disorder, or depression  

  6. Depends.

    If you're a teenager, then this is pretty normal. Hormone levels are changing in you leaving you tired, groggy, and irritable. It also sounds like all this sleeping late is ruining your sleep cycle.

    If you're older, say 25 or older, you need to relearn how to sleep. Drink some tea. Take 10 minutes to put your mind at ease. Practice quiet meditative thinking.

    But do I think you have clinical anxiety or depression?


    You're fine.

  7. Keep a journal.

    Of things that are making you feel stressed or depressed & try and figure out why.

    & how you can deal with them.

    Is it finacial? Relationships? The way you feel about yourself?  

  8. you should make an appointment to see a therapist or counselor. this way you can explain everything you've been feeling, and ask all the questions you want, and get clearer answers and advice on what the best solutions would be. it definitely sounds like you need to talk to someone, and not just someone online. it sounds like you have anxiety and depression. but there may be underlying causes for these..maybe some event or issue in your life. but i'm no doctor! so go find someone that is! it will at least be encouraging to hear that these are feelings which so many people have, that you're not alone, that you don't have to live with this forever, that there are things you can do about these feelings. good luck and feel better!

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