
Why am I being shocked so much lately

by Guest59237  |  earlier

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The past week I have been shocked several times by touching door k***s and other random things. This has not happened once in months, maybe even years and all of a sudden (the past week) it has happened many times per day.

I wear rubber shoes even around the house. Crocs. The same crocs I have worn for three years. I don't have carpet in my home and I can't think of any reason this is ocurring and I can't think of anything different in my environment that would lead to this.

In particular it happens every time I touch my car, outside doorknob and last night when I was grocery shopping it happened every time I touched something on the grocer's shelf. After 8-10 times I just quit shopping and went home in frustration!

Any ideas?

Peace and many thanks.




  1. It could be the clothes you are wearing. It doesn't take much for a few electrons to get jostled out of equilibrium.

    Dry weather also causes static shocks. When air contains water vapor (humid) electrical charges dissipate by attaching itself to the constant barrage of water molecules in the air. However when the air is dry there is no water to dissipate the charge.

    I suggest you by a humidifier and maybe try wearing some older clothes you don't remember getting shocked in.  

  2. Are you sure it's anything?

    From your description it seems like it's metallic stuff that's leading to the shock. Do you have more examples?

  3. Well, you don't get electrically charged without any reason. There has to be some kind of charge your getting that is causing the shock. Charging by friction is how you get your body charged. When you approach a metal, that is chargind by induction. The metal becomes one charge, and your body the other. When you come into contact, (charging by conduction) you experience a shock. This can happen by a variety of things... sometimes you don't even know it. Rubber is an isulator, so it isn't because of that. Are you wearing sock under you crocks? Rubbing your socks can result in electrical charge. Other than that, sorry but there isn't much we can do. Its really annoying, and I feel your shock.

  4. If you are active in a dry, fairly cool environment, you are going to build up a static charge of electricity. If you find the shock of this charge, when it quickly drains from your body, to be annoying, here is a trick to relive the shock.  Pinch a key, ot a coin tightly between your thumb and forefinger and touch with the metal item, the shock will be drained, painlessly.

  5. The Earth's magnetic field and your magnetic personality are combining against you .;...

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