
Why am I bleeding heavy and non stop 18 months after having my baby?

by  |  earlier

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I had a baby 18 months ago and bled for 8 weeks. They gave me a pill to stop the bleeding and it worked. This was in April 2007. I never bled again until 3 months ago ( so no period for about 13 months), then it was on and off spotting and bleeding here and there. About a week ago I pretty much started a constant stream of blood that will stop for a couple of hours, then come back really heavy. What could this be??? Should I be worried??

Extra info: I am on the pill for birth control, and have been for about 8 months or so and I also still breastfeed 4 or so times a day, for sleeping purposes.




  1. talk to your doctor.

  2. I don't know, but that's really not normal, especially when on the pill. You need to ask the doctor about it if you haven't already. If you have and he/she didn't take it that seriously, I would consider getting a second opinion.

  3. You definately need to call your OBGYN.  Either the birth control pills are too low of a dose (recommended when breast feeding) or else there is something else going on.  Mama needs to be healthy for her baby so call and talk to the nurse at the Dr.'s office right away and tell her what's going on.  Good luck!

  4. you need to go to the doctor there could  be some thing serously wrong

  5. becaus eu are on the pill, when u get ur period, its gonna be really really bad and heavy, but ur only gonna get it a few times, so i guess it kinda evens out. dont be worried, but if u still are, tell ur doctor and see if he/she thinks you should get off of the pill

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