
Why am I bleeding so much?

by  |  earlier

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I started the pill, then I got my period, so I skipped the placebo pills and started the new cycle because I thought it'd end my period quicker, shortly after I started getting abdominal/stomach pains everyday, and I started bleeding heavy and light and it's a dark brownish colour. I'm supposed to start my period in two days, but I've pretty much been bleeding for the last week and a half. I really don't know what's goin on, any help/advice would be amazing.




  1. Some side effects to the pill is heavy bleeding so as far as that, it sounds normal. but what im confused about is the period time thing. maybe u need to go to a GYN and have them look at if for you

  2. im sortof in the same situation

  3. Im on birth control and have been for a year or more. anyway a couple weeks ago i started bleeding for no reason and i had just had my period 2 weeks before. it was the heaviest period ive had since ive been on birth control. i went to the doctor and she gave me a pap smear. she treated me for a yeast infection even though she said my uterus bleeds easy and she also saw yeast and as soon as she touched it blood came out. also i took these yeast infection pills for like 7 days then i started my period on the day my pills said i would.

       To help more just go see your gyno and she will help you out.

  4. I started my Birth Control Pill 5 Months ago.  And my first pack I did the exact same thing!  I bled the brownish color stuff off and on the entire time!  Then when I was supposed to start my period, i did and I had a normal period.  But then I started the next pack and bled a little but not as much the first time.  3rd pack it dididn't happen at all.  And hasn't happened still.

    If you read the little papamphlet that comes with your B.C. it should say that breakthrough bleeding is normal for the first few packs.

    It'll stop!  Best of luck! ;)

  5. Hey there,

    After being on the pill for about 3 years, i realized that mucking about with the pills was never a good idea! The slightest mistake, can throw the whole cycle out.

    What you did, was skip your 'pill free week' by not taking the placebo pills. Even though you were on your period, you should have continued the pack as directed, and then started the next pack when those placebo pills ran out.

    By doing what you did, you've messed up the balance a bit. Don't worry, it happened to me too, it's so easy to do!

    I found that i bled non stop, or on and off but pretty much constantly for 3 months. The nurse tried to stop it, but couldn't. So i eventually stopped taking the pill completely for a week, then started a new pack and took them as directed this time, and it sorted the problem.

    However, another thing you can consider is that this is the wrong type of pill for you.

    I would go back to who ever prescribed you the pill and ask them to switch you onto another pill, if they think this is necessary. This is because some types of pill work better for some people than they do others, and you may find another type works better for you.

  6. If you can.. stop taking the pill.. let your cycle run it's course and then when it does stop start a new cycle of pills the following Sunday. You skipping those pills gave your system more estrogrn than you needed and now it's all out of wack because of it. So again stop the pills and let your body run it's course and then re start them the following Sunday.

    I've been there and done that so I know what your going through. I did exactly what I told you to do and then in a month my period was normal again.

    Good luck

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