
Why am I constantly hungry, and have gas?

by Guest66867  |  earlier

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For the past week I have been constantly hungry, lightheaded, lower back pain, and abdominal cramping. Could I be pregnant or could it be something else? Please help me.




  1. You don't know if you could be pregnant? Do you black out a lot? Jesus.

    It sounds like you're eating too many pot brownies with beer.

  2. Doctor!  Free pregancy test!

  3. it means you're dead and don't know it yet.  RIP my friend.   RIP.

  4. Well, when are you do for your monthly? It could be that you're experiencing PMS.  I usually get cravings, cramps, etc about a week before mine.  Sounds to me like that's what you're having.  Relax, if you don't get your period on the day you're supposed to then take a preg test.  But, try not to stress because not only will it make your symptoms worse, but it could delay your period. Good luck hon.  

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