
Why am I cursed buy a bent fork?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I go out to eat. It doesn't matter where it is. A 5 star restaurant, or Denny's. Even a buffet in Las Vegas, or at Disneyland. You would think a places like that where they have thousands, and thousands of forks. I all ways get the one fork that is bent. You would think by now I would look at the fork first. But no, I wait for the food, and stick it in my mouth. That's when I realize it is bent. It is all ways one of the two inside prongs. One is all ways sticking up. I am now thinking of taking my own fork when I go out to eat. Why does this happen to me? Did I kill someone in a past life with a fork, and this is my punishment? Is this a sign of something bigger. Or am I just very unlucky with forks.




  1. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok well, we will nvr know for sure

    maybe u did kill someone

    maybe someone killed you

    maybe u shud watch out for forks

    break the curse! when u get a bent fork, grab one tahts straight

    oh! that mad me think of something...maybe ur g*y, no seriously, a bent fork isnt striahgt, maybe ur not either!...just saying...that probably cost me best answer...

  2. Your looking for something that isn't really there, finding coincidences for some strange reason to feel special.  

  3. Maybe you are Uri Geller

  4. Hmmm... im not sure but that sounds pretty anoying, stupid forks! :)

  5. Don't focus on it, cuz really it doesn't matter much.

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