
Why am I getting jittery while trying to diet?

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I'm trying to diet and have not been eating very much. What is happening inside my body when I start feeling jittery? I know that it's telling me I need to eat, but is the jitteryness a nutrient my body is lacking?




  1. are you taking enery bars, drinks, caffiene? Tht's probably what it is. If not, then it's your body saying, feed me. You can avoid that by drinking some water when you feel that way. DOn't sweat it.

  2. Yeah you probably need to eat more.  Oh and if you go on really low-calorie diets, your body goes into starvation mode and tries to hold onto as much fat is it can.  You need to eat more fruits, veggies, proteins, etc. and drink water!!  And exercise more.

  3. Your blood sugar may be too low.  Or it could be from eating/drinking foods or beverages containing caffeine when you don't have much in your stomach.  Try eating a piece of fruit like an orange or an apple.

  4. It good be low bloodsugar, if you start to feel dizzy or having trouble seeing, just eat a small candy or two (such as a life savor)

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