
Why am I getting sick out of no where??

by  |  earlier

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I used to be able to drink more than 6 drinks and be fine. Now, if I have 1 or 2 I start to feel really sick and wake up with the WORST hangover. I'm drinking the same drinks I used to drink, what is the deal??? I'm so annoyed!




  1. Seasonal changes + allergies might make you more sensitive to alcohol. Generally worst with red wine.

    Could be a change in diet. More acidic foods or fatty foods can cause nausea when you drink

    Could be you're knocked up.

    Could be you've changed something else about how you drink: A bar with smokers, a location with different food, a different mixer, etc

  2. u preggers? jkjk idk really ask a doc?

  3. you are getting old

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