
Why am I getting this prompt when I try to click on Yahoo 360?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry, the page you requested was not found. I've tried everything, it won't let me in!




  1. Of all the web sites out there, Yahoo! 360 is tied, in my eye, with MySpace in the race for Worst Software Kludge.  With those sites, I just say, "Probably an error on their part!" and I come back later to see if it is working again.  Most other software, I try to figure out what I'm doing wrong but not those.

  2. there has been lots of problems regarding service,we have all suffered to some degree some worse than others,what works for one wont for another,its since all the up grading and we lost yahoo on Saturday,they are currently working on the bugs,and glitches,so hopefully all our services will be fixed,i wish you well.peAce.

  3. They have also lost my blog.

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