
Why am I here when my friends?

by  |  earlier

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are drunk and having fun, as usual. My girlfriend doesn't like my friends so we have to stay at her apartment on Friday nights. She's asleep so I'm playing on her computer. She's snoring. What do I do now??




  1. Go to bed or just go home. What's she gonna do? She is snoring!

  2. sneak out!

  3. I know what you mean but I'm married.....RUN!!!!

  4. go drink with your friends dduuuhh

  5. umm yea dude you need to be single, if your alresy complaining

    this much

  6. You only live once man so you might as well do the things in life that you want...don't wait for opportunities make them!

  7. Sounds like a stellar girlfriend.

    I have had boyfriends where I didn't like their friends, but we still did things with them.

    Thankfully my husband I have friends that we both like and do things with them.

    Sit on Yahoo answering a bunch of questions.

    My husband is out of town tonight, our baby son is in bed...guess what I am doing?

    Yahoo all the way.

    Its fun and you get hooked.

  8. p**n.

    Hit that sh*t up.

  9. I don't know or care, but that photo of you is just plain HOT!

  10. to car..trailer..married 2.5 times...

    ....nice body...cooks, cleans, drives,washes clothes and has a place to live...HAVE TO STAY WITH HER

    You're stupid, or this is a joke and you waisted all our time with this bs.

  11. ask yourself if you really want to be with someone who does not want the same things as you do!

  12. sneak out and don't get caught if you want to keep your girlfriend, but she sounds uptight so you should get caught on purpose and let her do you the favor of dumping you

  13. Sneak out and have a drink with your mates :0)

  14. stick cheetos in her nose like chester the cheetah did on that commercial

  15. she doesn't deserve you. i'm not trying to be mean! but she is caring for you and you don't care one bit.

  16. Why are you naked in that photo of yours?

  17. If it bugs you that much then just talk to her and come up with a compromise for crying out loud! (When she wakes up of course)But for tonight, I have no advice!

  18. lol playing on HER COMPUTER

  19. Respect her wishes or you'll lose her trust, and relationship. Does wasteing your life honestly appeal more to you than being with someone you love, even if it's just to watch them sleep? Obviously you don't love her so dump her and leave/

  20. Aww.... B*tches ruin all the fun! I hate that it gives us a bad name! Tell ya what I will have a few kegs for ya tonight when I am mourning the loss of your balls for you. See ya when she lets you out for work.

    Oh and keep your trailer, your gonna need it in about a 1/2 a marriage!

  21. if she is making you stay in she better put out (after your dinner has been made, dishes done & laundry folded). if not pop a couple asprin in her mouth when she goes to sleep. if she wakes up & asks why you put them in her mouth & tells you she don't have a headache.... well, there's no excuse NOT to put out now!

  22. Kiss goodbye to a fun life you once had. It only gets worse trust me!!!

  23. Well you are safe, not drunk and not being a danger to society by being intoxicated when driving. Thank God that you made a wise decision. And it sounds like she deserves better.

  24. Go try to hook that up. It's Saturday- she can sleep late.

  25. Go to bed.........

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