My hubby works an hour away during the week and stays in a hotel room (usually paid for by work, but sometimes out of our pocket) He works for the government so you know how things change constantly with that. But anyway, It just seems like during the week and occasional weekends when hes down there its like a vacation for him. I talk to him about 3 minutes at a time and its usually "oh hey babe, busy today...gotta go, love you" and thats it. Anyway, the jealousy kicks in when he goes off after work w/ buddies to the bar, fishing, golfing, shooting, or whatever he wants to do. Meanwhile I am working my full time job and then have to go home and sort the mail, clean the house, make dinner, to the laundry run errands all the time hes out enjoying himself, not even making the bed or picking up his clothes. Then he comes home on the weekends with piles of laundry that I end up spending a whole saturday doing. And he gets mad when I make comments like "that must be nice" and so on, which I try to hold back but seriously, I'd like to have that kind of freedom. But I have responsibilities, which are his as well, that are being all pushed off on me, but then I realize how unhappy he'd be sitting in a hotel room all night. Maybe I need to be put in my place, but Im jealous. I want to do things like that too. But if I did, nothing would get done. HELP!