
Why am I like this? How can I change?

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Well Im going into high school in about 2 weeks and everyday I get a little bit more scared that Im going to school with no friends because I just moved. Im really picky about who im friends with because the peopel your friends with tell alot about you. So really what Im scared of is people are gonna try to be friends with me that I dont want to be friends with and then Im just gonna go try to find people I do want to be friends with and the other people will think im a bitchhh. Im so over being the girl that everyone thinks is a bitchh because thats how it was in middle school. how can i change it?




  1. No biggie! Relax! I moved last year to a different country! you do fine...

  2. the saying says don't judge a book by its cover i would say if u r worried about what people will say about you then try to fit in since its your 1 st day lighten up its always good 4 a change 4 u 2 change when u go to school whoever comes your way try to see how the person is 1 st ok  

  3. the same way im jst not a new girl...but i guess just try to talk to people and if they blow you off then they are the one who's a *****! um...e-mail me sum time and maybe we could talk i name is cara...and my e-mail address is so maybe i can ask yooh questions and yooh can answer them for me...oh yeah um...sorry for the sucky advice!....but good luck with your prob.

  4. Don't just judge people on looks. Get to know that person. Its Ok to not want to be someones friend, its Not Ok to not want to be their friend just because they don't look as good as you want or a certain way. Slow down and on your first day just meet people and get to know them. If you meet someone that is being rude. Confront them about it and tell them how you feel, they can change too so don't just drop them as a friend too quickly. And confrontations don't always have to be screaming matches, no matter how much the other person wants it to be (don't sink to their level). If you feel yourself getting ready to burst check yourself and take a minute to recollect and take deep breaths if you need a minute just walk away.

  5.   Judgemental about looks? I'm sorry but thats really awful. I mean, if some guy has multiple peircings, smells of smoke, and wears all black, then yes I can understand wanting to avoid someone like that, but you can't decide whether or not you want to be friends with a girl just based on how she first appears to you, or who she is. I mean, if she's nice and respectful, who cares what ppl think of you for being her friend?

       I don't mean to be rude, but you sound a little like one of those stuck up popular girls and that isn't the way to act in High School. People actually act grown up and mature there, and if you seem s****. or cliquey, then they'll think you act like a little kid.

  6. You have to let your guard down, and lower your standards I guess. Don't go in with the attitude that you're better than the next girl. That won't win you any friends. You'll have to step outside your comfort zone and take some risks.  

  7. The best types of friends may not be the prettiest or the most popular. I know it's hard, but think about all the nicest people you know: don't you want to be like them? Just be yourself, but also try and be friendly with everyone. :) You shouldn't worry about what people think of you too much.

    And high school can be nerve-racking but you will get used to it really quickly! You'll like it better than middle school for sure (even though you are new.)

    Good luck!


  8. be nice and accept people for who they are and you will find genuine friends

  9. "im just very judemental about looks"

    There is your problem: Judgmental

    Friends are people who you can confide in and be happy around. Friends don't judge and are honest with one another.

    Yes, you can be judged by the friends you associate with. If you don't share a common interest with a certain person, most likely you won't befriend them nor be in a long term friendship.

    I wouldn't so much worry about your image...I would worry more about how to acquire genuine friendships. It might do you some good!

    Good luck!

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