
Why am I looking for a very serious science minded individual? I have a story to write, and it IS serious.?

by  |  earlier

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Granted, global warming is an issue. However, it's not only from above, but it is also from beneath the oceans. Severe earth quakes beneath our oceans, that literally go unnoticed by scientists, who profess to be serious. They continually blame our 'carbon footprint' as the cause of ice melting at the poles. We know for a fact, that the earth was HOT before it was ever cooled, and it was cooled by the Ice Age, which scientists have always speculated was from a meteor strike. You've all studied science, so I don't have to repeat it.

I found one other person in here, about 2 years ago, that agreed it would be near impossible to melt the ice caps the way they've been disappearing so very quickly. It may be believable for the surface snow breaking away; however, they're speaking of quick movement of glaciers, and icebergs. To heat an iceberg from above and cause it to break away, would make the heat too intense for us to bare.

Where are you Mr. Scientist who agreed with me?




  1. We've studied science.

    You should too.

    Then you wouldn't be so very confused.

    Hopefully, whoever agreed with you two years ago

    has learned better since.

  2. wel urs is one elaborate theory...i guess v shd think more on controllin dan arguin hu is d reason

  3. OK, I'm no scientist but as Bob Dylan sang "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows!"

    I believe we may be further along into this thing than we are being told.Bees are missing in action, class five hurricanes are touching down without warning, last winter we hear in Northern California received our first tornado warning and actually had one touch down in South San Francisco.

    It destroyed a portable shack and some wire mesh fences which may seem small compared to other hurricanes but remember, San Francisco was never considered part of tornado alley, before.

    I believe by the time we really understand how bad off we are, the powers that be will have figured out how to contain the large angry crowd that has finally realized that we've pissed away this beautiful planet.

    At this rate all the gold in the world won't get you a clean glass of water.

    Look at Mars, see the future!

    (Actually, I believe there will be divine intervention but first we have to understand that man cannot rule man.).

    What we have here is man's best attempt to rule the earth.


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