
Why am I not getting hired anywhere??

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19, college student, and have been looking for a job for a while now. I've applied at many well know places like home depot, target, wal mart etc... I do have work experience, i have been a waitress, I have worked fast food, and I have worked at a retail store. I'm looking for a somewhat better paying job, and no one is calling me back after applications. any advice?




  1. hey ..... american economy is probably not in your favor right now.....and ppl are probably looking to cut back on staff. Therefore to get a job you have to be better than your competition.  

  2. I feel  your pain girl! I have graduated from college and applied to like 35 jobs and nothing! I guess its the job market or the economy that is not in our favor.I'll pray for me and you.

  3. see thats where the problem lies, your not calling them back and wating for them to call you, they recieve thousands of applicants just like you, and the ones who stand out are the ones who call them first, who dont wait to be called upon who take initiative to call them themselves.. so next time you apply at a place do a follow up and ask them if they had a chance to review your resume.. if you still dont get a call well at least you tried right... keep applying you will gvet one somewhere.. I head that the economy in america isnt doing too well and MANY people are unemployed looking for a job.. and usually that means where the younger youths are suppose to work older people like adults are taking the jobs that we should be doing.. it sucks but thats the reality.. im not sure if its like that here in canada but im having trouble finding a job myself.. although i think i might be getting this one job, hopfully =)

  4. The ones who get the jobs are the ones who call back, not wait to be called. Turn in your app, then call back a couple days later and ask to speak with a manager. Tell them you turned in your application and would like to know when you can come in for an interview. Esp. with jobs like that, where tons of people apply, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. :-)

    Good luck!  

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