
Why am I not loosing weight?

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I don't understand why I'm not loosing weight. Adult male who let himself get about 40 pounds overweight. For 4 weeks I have been getting up early, walking 2 miles on a treadmill at a fairly fast pace, then getting on a weight machine and working abs, chest and arms: but I am still not loosing any weight. In fact, depending on the day, I may actually fluctuate up or down by as much as 5 pounds. Help!!! I don't understand!!!

Some say I must be gaining muscle to displace lost fat, but I still have the same size waist as when I started, and I really don't notice much difference in body shape.




  1. That depends on your daily intake. You should have lost 10 to 15 lbs and 2 inches in your waist in 4 weeks. Men on my program start off this way this first month or two. Stop lifting weights until you've reached your goal. Muscle is heavier, so lose the fat and then begin weight lifting. High protein, low carb meals three times a day, no counting calories.

  2. Weight alone is not the best indicator of improvement.  Muscle mass, fluid intake, caloric intake, those can all affect your weight from day to day.

    Take a "before" photo, like in swim trunks, and continue another 4 weeks, then take another photo, to compare.

    Take a few measurements, and continue another 4 weeks, then measure again.  You could keep two running totals, of measurements you would like to see increase, and measurements you would like to see decrease.  Chest, waist, biceps, hips, thighs, etc.

    You could also have your body fat % measured, a healthy range for an adult male is 10% - 20%.  

    And, ask someone close to you if they notice a difference.  You see yourself every day, the changes may be too subtle for you to notice, but someone who hasn't seen you in a month might.  

    Your diet can be a big factor, as well as your hydration level.  You need at least 8 8-oz glasses of pure water a day.  And you need to eat plenty of healthy food, balanced meals including plenty of veggies, whole grain, lean meat and dairy, and fruits.  Good healthy snacks of vegetables first, and more healthy foods if you're still hungry.  You have to convince your body that you're not starving by eating an abundance of healthy food, then it will relax its survival system and release the unneeded fat.  If you're low calorie or low carb dieting, your body perceives a famine, and will hold on to every calorie you consume.

    I know how frustrating it is, when you incorporate smart, healthy habits and don't see results right away!  If you're eating right in addition to the healthy exercise you mention, your body will eventually respond by being leaner and healthier.  It might take a while, just be patient.  I know, it isn't easy.

  3. What you eat has a huge inpact on your body, you csnnot just excersize the fat off, you have to eat the right foods AND portions as well. Try lean meats like chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, GOOD carbs such as whole wheat bread and pasta. Eating right after you work out is best, as your body's metabolism is burning faster.  

  4. use the ab lounge it will make your tummy flat

  5. Unfortunately, it's a long-traveled road. Are you drinking alot of water? You can also try injesting a small amount of herbal hoodia every couple of days to take your water-weight down. :)

    Keep up the good fight. But remember, Running is 2X more intensive than merely walking. I lost 50 pounds in three months with running alone.

  6. If you have an interval training option on your treadmill, that will be more effective than constant running.

    Two miles is not really very much for a treadmill session. You need to push yourself much harder.

    Weight loss will be perhaps a pound per week at most and after 4 weeks you really won't see much change. Food intake is a bigger factor in weight management, though exercise is important too.

    Just keep at it and push yourself harder.

  7. your diet is very inportent also as you know..drink lots of water and water only. stay away from junk,coffee, and such. if your weight isnt going down..wouldnt it make sense to pick up the pace and work a little harder?

  8. Jack, you are probably consuming more calories per day than you think. You actually have a perfect start by gaining some muscle and thereby increasing your metabolism. For the next 5 days (and thereafter) keep a detailed log of everything you eat. There are websites that will tell you calorie content. Add them all up. Your daily calorie intake should be about 14 times your bodyweight spread over six smaller meals and snacks.

  9. Your body isn't getting enough water. You fluctuate 5 pounds because when you weigh yourslef you have water in you and when you are 5 pounds less then you have no water in you. This 5 pounds means nothing to you.

    To maximize calorie burn you need to workout more then your upper body. You need all lower body, back, and shoulders, Dont try to just train the stuff you want. It doesnt ever work.

    You also need to cut your caloric intake and increase excerise. Remember you need 12-15 calories per pound you weight to function and even more calories for the energy to workout. Buy a jump rope. Its the best cardiovascular excercise and can burn up to 1000 calories an hour.

    Also start eating 7-8 meals a day (every two hours). Your metalism will be working so fast you wont know what to do. I do this and I c**p literraly 4-5 times aday.

    Remember in order for you to lose weight you must burn more then you take in.

  10. Check how much you're eating, to lose weught you have to burn more calories than you eat, so try eating less food or just less calories.

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