
Why am I not receiving my 360 messages? What is up with that?

by  |  earlier

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Has anybody else been having this problem, and how can this be remedied- ALSO, has anybody received some goofy message about being charged $10.00 for using Y/A? Is there validity to this?





  1. I have just deleted seventeen 360 comment notifications from my mailbox because they are consuming space and not being posted so I can view them.  

    I haven't received a message stating anything about the $10.00 charge for using Yahoo.....YET!!  

    h**l, they should pay ME for putting up with their BS!!

  2. I am not either and I already talked to them , no fix until there upgrades are done

  3. Hi, Julie!

    I haven't seen the $10 notice, but I'm thinking that's a scam...

    certainly it's a joke!

    Regarding the notices about "comments" and messages on 360... here is what I've been told ...

    ( a friend of a friend checked it out)

    Yapoo has (according to them) FIXED the equipment that delivers the 360 notices of mail; both comments and messages...


    But FIRST! they are clearing the backlog of the NOTICES!

    So... EVERYONE who ever had a comment, and wasn't notified,  WILL be.

    There is not -of course- a comment OR message when you check it, but by God! you're finally getting the notices.  

    THEN (allegedly) the notifications will come, and there will be actually something to see when you get there!

    As for those of us NOT! getting notices of current messages...

    "Oh, well" is, I believe, a direct quote.  

    Bah.  }:>

  4. Yes, my 360 is still 'crazy', getting 'notices', but no messages....!!

    I had that $10 notice about a Month ago, from many different sites.....!!  I disregarded it.....!!

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