
Why am I not yet incredibly wealthy?

by  |  earlier

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I always believed that one day I would have all the money I needed to do everything I wanted and have anything I wanted. Why has this failed to occur yet? Will it happen soon?




  1. Take life as it is handed to you. If you expect to much you will never get it. But you have to work hard towards that goal. 99.9% of the time money wont just fall into you life.

    PS money is the root of all evil

  2. I have a dollar! Would you like it?

  3. do  you have a good job, do you have debt? do you have kids? do you spend alot of money instead of saving??

    I mean everybody dreams of having lots of money but in todays world, that doesnt happen easy to normal people

  4. I don't think you really ever believed that but were engrossed in a kind of wishful thinking.If you had believed in it ,then you would have started the next step ie how to go about it,long time back and would have been in that process with some degree of success by now.No body ever had that kind of money in this world as our wants and needs keep going up and up and mostly remain behind our means.Will it happen soon?well,not in the near future unless you have a fire in your belly.

  5. Yes, must set an achievable target..and work hard to achieve your goal..

  6. Here's the best quote I have ever heard: "Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must first set yourself on fire."  That means you can not expect to be rich by sitting there wishing to be gotta do something to make it happen.  And as long as you are sitting around wishing to be rich without doing anything about it, you will not be.

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