
Why am I obsessed by the fact that I look like a particular celebrity?

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Hi. To be realistic, I really do think that I look a lot like that artist.... but why am I so obssesed with it?

Ok, I may look like him.... but who cares. I'm still me. Why do I constantly rewatch that celebrities videos, fantasize about being him, walk around life expecting people to tell me I look like that celebrity...


I don't want to feel this way.




  1. you want to live vicariously through another.

  2. Youre a headcase.....grow up.

  3. Perhaps you are lacking something in your own life and identity. So, you turn to this star as a way you give you some character or purpose.

    I think it's natural to like a star that looks like you. I don't think anyone can really hate someone that resembles them. So they begin to become your idol in a way. Just don't go overboard and don't let them control your every thought, creativity, goals, dress, etc. Find your own little quirks.

    Just remember that you don't know that celebrity fully, so you don't know what they are like behind close doors. Maybe the person is not all too great. So, cherish who you are and celebrate that.  

  4. get off the internet and go out and get a life.

  5. Do you like him because of what he does or just because you look like him. My boyfriend looks like Peter Steele from Type O Negative but he liked their music before he ever saw what Peter Steele looked like. Still, I can see what you mean. I love Wynona Rider and think that I like very much like her. It adds to my interest in her but it didn't stem just from that. If I didn't like her movies I wouldn't be that interested. If I looked like Paris Hilton, I still wouldn't like her.  

  6. This happens to all of us sooner or later. We want to be something or someone we're not. Usually it's someone we adore or at least admire.

    Trust me, it's perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with you :)

  7. wait...who?

    I wanna see what you look like..

    but yes thats understandable, i mean you think you look similar to this celebrity and he is off living a wonderful life, while you are just normal.

    It doesn't seem fair, right? But you have to see that you are yourself, and having a celebrity life isn't all its cracked up to be. You need to find out who you are and cut yourself off from being this guys look alike. That isn't what defines you. This isn't such a BAD thing to do, but its immature. You don't need to stop it, but just chill out on it alittle bit. I'm sure your friends are starting to get annoyied with that fact that your life is being run by this guy.  

  8. If you really DO look like him, contact the people who hire out celebrity look-alikes and exploit your looks, then you can have a little of his lifestyle and get paid for it too.

    If you don't look enough like him they will tell you and you can develop your own life.

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