
Why am I peeing every half hour?

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I'm 6 months pregnant so I'm used to going to the restroom quite often but for the past two days it's seems like I have to go like every 30 minutes. This is twice as much as I was needing to go. My pee doesn't burn but I've had a Urinary Tract infection before and didn't have that symptom. But I feel like I have to go so much even if I hardly pee when I finally relieve myself. Is this just because the baby is getting bigger or could it be a UTI?




  1. Well, as the baby gets bigger it puts more pressure on your bladder, so thats probably it.

  2. Could be UTI, if you haven't had your GD testing it could be that, could be just the baby is laying on your bladder causing pressure because by 6 months they are big enough to cause that pressure.

  3. I am 37 weeks pregnant and every woman is different. Your bladder could be shifted a certain way and your cervix is continuously pressing on it. When you go back to the restroom and you have to pee, lean your belly forward a little bit because it helps your bladder to empty COMPLETELY so you are not having to go as often.  

  4. because the baby is pushing on your bladder.

  5. UTI

  6. My mum went thru the same thing when she was carrying my younger brother - best to get yourself checked out by a doctor though to make sure there isn't anything to worry about.  It will also give you some peace of mind.

  7. The baby is sitting on your bladder. Enjoy it'll be every 15 minutes in no time!

  8. because your baby is pushing on your bladder. theres nothing you can do about it. sometimes, i go every 15 minuts... ugg soo annoying.  

  9. Your congregation must be so excited!

    It is better that you are urinating often then naught. When I was 8 months along with my twins I suddenly couldn't do that deed. I went to the doctor immediately and complained. He told me that I wasn't drinking enough water... I came home crying, I knew something was wrong. Have you ever heard of a very pregnant woman not urinating?

    That night my body completely seized up on me, I was suffering from eclampsia which shut down my kidneys and in the process suffered from heart failure ( I had an unknown heart defect.) Three lives were almost lost that night. If the doctor would have done a simple protein test they would have caught it.

    So yes, the frequent urinating is normal BUT if you have any doubts go to your doctor. If you feel uneasy about what he tells you go to another doctor. Just take care of your precious one.


  10. It's the baby pushing down on your bladder. It would hurt to pee if you had a UTI.

  11. It could be several things....

    You could have a UTI (very common during pregnancy).

    It could just be that the baby is laying right on top of your bladder.

    It could be pregnancy induced diabetes.

    Call your doctor and see if he/she can get you in for a urine test.  It is probably just a squished bladder and nothing to worry about, but better safe than sorry!  Congrats on the new little one!

  12. that comes with the pregnancy! baby get bigger=more bathroom breaks..  

  13. b/c the baby is sitting on your bladder

  14. its normal.

  15. A lot of women do experience UTI during pregnancy. To be safe you might want to schedule a Dr. appt to make sure.

    Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy =)

  16. If your worried then you should go see a doctor. They would know what's wrong. Or maybe it's normal.  

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