
Why am I short? Is there other reason other than genetics?

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I know that it's most likely genetics and I have taken that into acount but I was wondering if there was any other reason as to why I am short. My mom is 5'0" and my dad is 5'4" but they both stunted their growth at an early age. My dad with smoking and very heavy weight lifting because he was traing to become a professional weight lifter and my mom stunted her growth because of smoking and working on a farm and carrying heavy loads. Now I did some lifting when I did football but nothing over the top. Although I've been around second hand smoke all my life. Could that have something to do with it? Are there any other factors contributing to my vertical challengedness?




  1. It's genetics along with other external factors like nutrition, check that you are having a balanced nutrition for your age. I don't think that the second hand smoke has a lot to do with your height. You can check if your levels of the growing hormone are ok, and also avoid the exercises like lifting, because they can affect your growing, specially on the development years, and do exercises that stretch you like swimming.

    And remember that you can grow till you are 22 years old. If every thing it's ok, the growing hormone, your nutrition and your exercising it may suggest that your genetics aren't to be tall.

    Ask your doctor alternative treatments to increase your height. I think that it in now possible with modern medicine.

  2. I have been around 2nd hand smoke my entire life as well, I'm a girl and 11 years old..And I'm 5" 4'. I'm tall but that's probably genetics, everyone in my family is tall.

  3. By far the leading cause for stunted growth is malnutrition.  You can imagine how important vitamins and minerals are for bone growth.  A diet with lots of caffeine or carbonated drinks could also affect bone growth.  Certain weight lifting practices can mess up the epiphyseal (growth) plates, but doing heavy lifting here and there wouldn't do much.  On the flip side, lack of exercise seems to do it.  Smoking is debatable and I have no idea how it would work.  It could be that smokers tend to have poor health in general.

    Outside of stunting, if your back muscles are underdeveloped you can be missing an inch or two.

  4. It's genetics and nothing else.

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