
Why am I single most of my friends have girlfriends but, I am single and don't know why. Help?

by  |  earlier

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I am a 18 year old guy with a lot of time to kill and a decent job until I go to basic training for the Air-force. I don't think I am an annoying person or at least I rarely knock heads with people because I put a lot of thought into what I say. I am biracial (black father and white mother)

with a clean afro. I am 5' 6" tall and I weigh about 190lbs.

I play bass guitar acoustic guitar.

I run at least 12 miles a week.

I am often hitting the town on weekends with my friends but girls seem to always avoid me.

I have always been wondering if I have been sending the wrong message to the women around me. Maybe they think I am g*y. I really hope I don't seem g*y to the women around me but I think I really need help here.

Does anyone have anything witty to say?




  1. hey i go to your school! how are you?

    i just thought that  everyone assumed you were g*y

  2. well do u talk to any girls? cuz if not then start talking to them and get to know them. just be urself, relaxed and have a good time. and see what happens.

    hope this helps and good luck.

  3. Because you will be in BT for six weeks then hard telling where you go. It takes an understanding lady to be able to let you leave and be true. Let alone she still has to get to know you and your leaving. Wow not much time there. Don't worry you'll have plenty of time once your through BT/ schooling. Your going to be seeing the world. I wouldn't press the issue. Find lady friends not gf's, not one nighters either. Just get this step in life done then worry.

    Been there done that, para rescue training with navy seals? what a job :) out and done. :)

    Good luck, and have fun at BT,


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