
Why am I so afraid of bunnies? Help me please?

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I know this sounds silly but I am serious. I am 25 years old with two children and a loving husband. I am normal. However ever since I was very young... whenever I see a bunny on TV (a real one not cartoon) I get have an attack! My chest hurts, my breathing is fast, I sweat, my eyes get watery, I feel as if i'm going to die. The fear is so terrible and unbearable that I am shaking right now from the thought, its so surreal I feel tightness in my chest. What triggers it the most are their eyes but its really the whole thing. My cat looks like a bunny a little bit but i'm not afraid of her. It is only bunnies. little ones, big ones. When my husband got home we started watching TV and he wanted to watch the history channel. A bunny was on the screen and I had another attack...I haven't had an attack in a long time, I mean how often do you see bunnies? I can't take this anymore what is wrong with me?? What should I do??




  1. cos theyre evil. they carry some of the most deadly diseases know to man, cos of all the fleas and ticks on them. they look sweet but theyre very aggressive, and their teeth can bite through steel. so if they turn on you, they can bite through bone. they also have razor sharp talons that can cut up up and give u blood diseases.

  2. pray about it soon you will look back and laugh at your self no there is nothing wrong w you i was like that w dogs but i got over it .

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