
Why am I so confident and chill around my friends and guys but not at school or work?

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I love who I am at home, at parties, with my friends, or around guys. But for whatever reason, at school and at work i always feel like the biggest loser. maybe because there are people who are 34524534x more confident than me and i get intimidated easily. so at work and school im stereotyped as "the girl who worries too much and cares too much what ppl think and can never calm down" but the truth is im not like that at all! its too late to change it though because everyone already thinks im a loser




  1. You're not a loser.  Plus it's never too late to change or make improvements.  What things about your friends make you comfortable and able to relax?  Try to remember those things when you come in contact with new people.  Relax and be yourself.  People will learn to respect you for yourself- a loser tries to be someone he isn't but a cool person like yourself embraces who you are.

    Try not to let others make your feel intimidated- no person is greater than the other.  You have good ideas and are able to contribute at school and work just like others.

    Best of luck

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