
Why am I so exhausted?

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I am nearly 20 weeks pregnant. Since the very beginning, I have been exhausted. I have absolutely no energy whatsoever. I do run a home child care starting at 6am, but even the days I don't have the kids, I am exhausted. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get, when I wake in the morning, what I do in the day or don't do, I just don't have any energy. I always feel like I'm going to pass out on the floor. This morning, I woke up and I felt like my body was shutting down from exhaustion.

I didn't have this with my daughter. I had tons of energy by now with her, could wake up early, go to bed late and still have energy and not feel like I need a long nap by noon.

I have also only gained 6lbs my entire pregnancy, whereas, I had gained at least 15lbs by now with my daughter.

Why do I feel this way? Shouldn't I have energy by now? What's wrong with me?




  1. I felt the same way with my son. It got better around 6 months or so. Right about the time the back pain kicked in. Lol. They say all pregnancies are different so maybe you just got lucky with your daughter. =]

  2. Well, I had girls and during both pregnancies I was just as you describe. I couldn't even stand to hear other pregnant women harp on about how much they loved it (at the time) LOL. I was completely drained. I'm lucky because my husband works at home 60% of the time and he was able to help me a lot. Gawd, I still don't know how he put up with me.

    I could take a 3 hour nap like it was nothing.

    I think some pregnancies are just like that. Both of mine were. I was lucky to keep anything down until i was 5 months and even luckier if i got through a day without a nap.

    Congrats! and good luck.

  3. When you see your Doctor for your next ob appointment ask to get your iron levels checked, it is just done by a blood test. That could be the reason you are so tired, you might be anaemic.
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