
Why am I so frustrated with school?

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We started school on Wednesday and the teachers are already cramming homework down our throats! In algebra we get a six question quiz everyday and the teacher gives us homework that takes about a hour and a half to do, I have an essay and a poem to write that is due this week in English, and I have to remember all of the U.S. states and capitals for a quiz this Tuesday for U.S History! On top of that, none of my friends are in my classes and I am really shy, and I feel pressured to meet new people. I don't feel like I fit in, which sucks! I hate eighth grade so far, it feels so boring! I cried yesterday because of all my anxiety and frustration! Someone please help me! I don't look foward to going to school anymore!




  1. You don't have a routine, don't you? Stop complaining and hit the books. You'll get nothing solvedif you cry and complain.

    Here are some tips:

    Take notes. The best way to learn. If you write down what you are taking in, more likely to remember writing it. Also, it's a good way to review.

    Study. When you know a test is coming up, study for it. Flash cards are a great way. Write the question/vocabulary word on the front and the answer/definition on the back. Ask someone to hold them up for you. Re-read your notes. Try to remember it. You can re-write them in smaller/shorter terms so when you study it, it'll be faster and easier to remember. For example, if part of your notes was a vocab word, like this:

    learning- when your mind conceives infomation brought by eyes or ears.

    You could condense it to this:

    learning- understanding info.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask your teacher the question when it comes up, so you won't mess up your processing. Or, if you can't ask the question, write it down so you won't forget. Ask after class.

    Before doing anything when you get home, do homework. Eat a snack before, of course, but don't watch T.V, text, call, or anything until homework is complete and read-over.

    Have a routine. For example, this is mine:

    4:00pm- get home, eat a snack

    5:00pm- start on homework

    6:00pm- eat dinner, relaz

    7:00pm- study time and finish homework

    8:30pm- get ready for bed (brush and change clothes), and finish studying

    9:00pm- relax, watch TV

    10:00pm- Sleep

    Sleep well, eat three meals a day, and go to every class.

    When you feel like crying, rememeber the reason why you are waking up at 6:30am- to get a good education in the future and be succesful.

  2. I really wouldnt worry about it.

    keep your head up and dont let yourself get behind, thats really important.  once you get by the first week or so, you will get back in the swing of things.  i wouldnt fret about 8th grade-its a hard grade i know but you can look forward to things.  in the meantime try hard and dont fall behind and have fun

  3. Talk to your parents. Honestly, they will make you feel better. And yes, my experience in school was like that too, and don't feel like you can't cry! The other answerers are probably gonna say not to cry, and that it won't help, but it sometimes does. Try to make some friends in your class, and trade phones numbers. But it sounds like you don't have as much homework as you should have in 8th grade, and a six question math quiz a day isn't much. Maybe it's because your teacher is horrible, and if that's the case, speak to the principal.

    For your homework, has live teachers helping you. And remember, a small hill can lead to a huge down hill, all the way down to retirement.

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