
Why am I so good at Halo 3?

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I really can't figure it out. I mean, I just 4 shot 3 people with 1 clip cross map in Valhalla.




  1. Sorry mate but its all luck. Having people right next to each other skill, sorry to say. Having 4 people together for an overkill with rockets isn't skill either. Winning 1v4, or getting a 50, now that's pretty impressive. Sorry mate.

  2. because god is just that good and you are him my gamertag is

    wombat 54321 hit me up god

  3. thats nothing i once was down by two kills and the score was like this;




    it was on guardian and they were battling it out. while they were doing that i threw a grenade from the other side of the map. i got a double kill to win the game and keep my perfect record.

  4. it mostly hand cordination and u kno wat to do

  5. actually, all the other answerers are wrong. it's not b/c of luck or super skill, it because of your connection. if you have a REALLY good connection, you can 4 shot. but if you went up against a pro like strongside who had a horrible red bar when u played him, you'd straight up own him if you both just shot br shots walking towards each other. it's a little thing called host assosiation. bungie wrote about it about a year ago. people who don't have host have to lead shots more than host does. So your bullets hit MORE than other people's bullets. i know it sounds silly, but host gives you a .001 second head start. in that time your bullets actually count as hits and you get the advantage when fighting other people. Try swat, your connection should make you own. you'll die slower and kill faster due to your amazing connection.

  6. wow that's not that impressive. i could own you. Try getting 37 of your teams 50 kills on a 4v4 game on blackout.

  7. Cause u havent played me yet.. Duh. Lol.

  8. Probably some people will thumbs down this, but maybe because you have no life, and trying to show off your not-so(what other people say, I don't play Halo 3) impressive skills...

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