
Why am I so horrible at math?

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I seriously can't even do the type of math 5 graders won't process in my head. Although, I'm great in English, my English teacher calls me his "go to guy". How can be so good at that while sucking so hard at math?




  1. Im really bad at math as well. I was tutuored all way through school for math and still I have no ability. I watched a few years ago on tv a documentary about people that just can't pick up math and what they said was that in everyones brain their is a little courner where it helps people with math and some people are born without that little part of the brain working that's why we just can't pick up math no matter how much schooling we have for it. It's kinda of like we have a little courner in our brain in which we are brain dead hehe. At least we have calculators.

  2. I don't know-I am too-it's just the way we're made. Everybody cannot be good at everything-and i'm a teacher!!

  3. It's just not your thing. I suggest you don't worry about it. Everybody is good at different things.  

  4. Greg, instead of thinking (or psyching) yourself down by the thoughts of you being poor with mathematics.  Find out first what hurdles are blocking you from understanding the principles.  Perhaps you are approaching the subject from the wrong angle.

    Without being able to see how you work on mathematical problems, it will be difficult for us to point out or provide better advice.

    Look at it this way, if you don't understand a word in language you will need to find its definition before you can understand the whole sentence.  Likewise, there could be some terminology that you have not completely understood and that is why you find yourself confused as you move along on your mathematical education.  Try tracing back towards 4th grade maths and build up from there again.

  5. we all shine in different ways

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