
Why am I so lonely? What's wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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I don't get it, I talk to people, I have friends, yet I feel lonely? Is there something wrong with me. Also, I tend to get scared in social situations and tend to want to be alone, yet I'm lonely. What's wrong with me, I like being alone more then being with other people yet I feel lonely?

I'm 17, male, in high school as a senior applying to college.




  1. maybe you jsut want a girlfriend or try hanging out w/ ur friends more. i feel bad for you :(. maybe ur just one of those independant ppl. its normal some ppl just feel that way but try to get more friends :]]]]]]]]]

  2. There's your problem,Kid.  You are feeling so lonely because you tend to like being alone.  What you need to do to fix this is that you need to face this fear of social situations.  You need to get out and mingle with people.  It isn't as hard as it looks.  There is so many wonderful people out there.  There is some in here as well.  Just look at these responses,Kid.  These are real honest-to-goodness people who want to help you.  Get out there and show the world what you are made of.  You are made of alot,You know.  And the best thing is that you've just started on overcoming your problem.  Good for you.  The name is David and it's been a pleasure to meet you.  I've gotta split.  You have a goodnight now and good luck.  Take it easy.  Bye.

  3. You situation is probably more common than you think.  Maybe you just need something you can lose yourself in...  do your friends have the same interests as you?  Maybe you would like Mountain climbing (start with small mountains, of course) or some other challenge.  Lonely people often thrive on being outside whether they are alone or with others.  I don't know where you live, of course, but there are several 'mountains' near me where novice climbers can get a taste of it, just a hike up a rather huge hill requiring no special equipment.

  4. there's nothing wrong with that.

    if you like being alone then whats the problem?

    i dont like being around so many people either and prefer having only a couple of close friends and really just being "a loner" and i admit i am but theres nothing wrong with it.

    if you dont like being lonely then find a good friend to confide in and it will help you feel better about yourself but you can also be alone if thats what you prefer.

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