
Why am I so mature for my age?

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In in eighth grade, and I feel as though almost everyone in my grade are soo obnoxious and immature! I usually would prefer to hang out with my brother's 10th grade friends instead! Adults tell me I act like I'm a senior in high school already (and I'm 13!). My parents tell me it's a good thing, but I think of it as a curse. I feel left out because of my maturity, and I wish I could get along with them, but I think they act so stupid! Don't get me wrong; not all of them are like that and I have friends. Will they eventually catch up to me?




  1. Yeah everyone else your age will eventually catch up to you then everything will be great. In the mean time you might as well hang out with older kids or at least the more mature 13-year-olds that you know of.

  2. its the same way for me

    i am14 and in 10th grade (skipped grades)

    i hang with the senors and ppl in college

    find YOUR group of friends and you will feel better

    jr high sucks for everyone

    dont worry abt it- highschool is MUCH better

    not all of the ppl do catch up

    it sucks

    but dont look  down on them either

  3. its been that way ever since i started school

    its been that way since elementary and its still that way now in high school (im a senior)

    sooo... im sure itll be way better in college... everyone should be pretty mature

    but high school, middle school, elementary sry not much hope there bud

  4. I fell the same way.. I'm a junior and I act like I'm 22! It's just something that I have learned to live with.. but I still feel like it's a curse too. The best advice I can give you is choose older friends, but choose them wisely. Hope this helps.  

  5. yes, they will eventually cath up. im in 8th too. everyones being immature becuz thats how they have fun there just being themselves. mab u shood try 2 just let go and b a part of them :)

  6. I am the same way.  Well kind of.  Im either very mature or very childish and playful.  Its just I have a deeper understanding of things which others just dont understand yet.  I usually get along better with little children or elderly people.  Its just who we are.

  7. when you least expect it, you too will rebel

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