
Why am I so negative to myself?

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first off I'm a 18 year old guy and starting college very soon. I've never been on a date before or for that matter a girlfriend and I seem to be depressed all time. I've had way to many girls pass right by that Ive been interested but I don't have the balls to even attempt to talk to a girl. I always seem to make excuses to myself like I don't deserve a girl like that or something. Now don't get me wrong I've had girls with me but I think I'm at the point where I don't have a chance now. What should I do to make myself feel better about myself?




  1. Stop getting in your own way!  Your talking yourself out of everything you do deserve.  You don't know who you deserve until you get to know them anyway.   Grow some balls, you sound very nice.  I would ask every girl out until one said yes!  So what if they say no, that builds character.  Remember this: every no you get, your that much closer to a yes.    

  2. ur super shy it's ok i didn't date until 20 i have to sons 21.17 both ever dated their into school and video games and cars,,believe me ur not missing a lot girls are a pain in the neck..both sons gpa is 3.9 just do the above.get a good job after and the girls will line up for the big money u will be making

  3. Sweetie, your only 18, I know sometimes its really lonely without someone like that with you, but especially since your going into college your going to meet someone when the time is right.  And you'll eventually feel more comfortable talking to girls.  The best thing you can do is practice.  So just start of with small things, and find common interests with someone you like, and who knows?  Maybe it'll go somewhere, maybe it wont.  And if she turns you down, you get right back up and move on, cause she obviously wasnt worth it.  Trust me, you'll find her!!

  4. Just be yourself. You will meet alot of girls when you go off to school. Don't rush it. Enjoy being a young adult. Instead of just getting depressed over the "girl" situation start exercising, it will make you feel better inside and out. You will also have more self esteem and before you know it  the girls will be ball less in asking you out.Trust me!  

  5. takes a lot more than the brief description you have given to try and devise a solution but it seems like you know what your problem is (you are too shy to talk to girls) now what you have to do is over come it. I can only tell you that in a way people are like dogs. We can feel fear and it is a negative response that we give (walking rite by). Maybe what you can try doing is just looking for a friend (female) then work up towards dating. The fact that your only 18 really says nothing. You are soooo young and have plenty of time. Colege (if you allow yourself) will be a blast and women come in every color shape and size there. Be strong, regardless what you look like practice positive self talk, surround yourself with happy fun loveing people and you will begin to relax. Those girls by the way are a lot of times just as shy as you are and maybe thats why they just walk on by.......good luck!!  

  6. My brother was like that.  He is fairly good looking but up until he was 19 hed never had a girlfriend, he had wanted to ask plenty of girls out but was too shy.  Anyway he ended up dating a girl when he was 21, proposing to her two weeks later, getting engaged to the same girl 10 years later and marrying her.  They have noe been together for almost twenty years...

    so dont worry you have plenty of time.

  7. Talk to a girl try to become friends then maybe it will turn into something .. and to make yourself feel better i say dont think about it too much keep yourself occpied and keep in touch with friends. If you need helf with this im sure your friends can always help you meet new people i hope i  helped =]

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