
Why am I so paranoid?!?!?

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(this is how it started) I was downstairs at about 3:30 am today making a snack (had an early dinner) and i kept hearing noises that sound like someone creeping around and i started getting all paranoid and uneasy and i couldn't sit still! I kept looking over my shoulders constantly and i still am! OK so i was walking upstairs when i hear the creepiest scariest voice ever whisper "hey." and i screamed and woke my whole family up but it was just my brother sitting on the ledge thing above the staircase! and now im still super paranoid and i don't know how i will EVER fall asleep like this!! HELP!!




  1. this has happened often 2 me..

    juz try to relaxxx..  there shudnt be anything.. sure sumtimes ur imagination can get 2 u.. but ask urself.. do u sense anything unpleasant... its juz ur imagination that is creeping u out.. calm down breathe n do wut u like to do.. wait till u get tired.. then lye down.. i know it will still be on ur mind.. but u gotta get over it.. MIND over MATTER. say a prayer, breathe relax.. listen 2 musik while sleeping dats wut i always do u shud be knocked out in no time

  2. wow, that pretty freaky. look i think the guy has a point, if u keep hearing it just take a deep breath. mind ova matter, now where did i hear that from OMG THATS FROM THE TWIGHLIGHT SERIES!!! anyway back 2 the point, if u read twighlight u might actually think about wot bella has gone through n u might stop think about how frightened u r n wot other pple have been through that is nothin compared 2 u, so B STRONG N DON'T CARE!  

  3. I would ask yourself a question?  Do I feel safe in my environment?  

    I have a general fear of the dark that heightens fear response and get me all worked up.  The only way I know to combat it is to make sure I feel safe.  I lock the door to my room.  I turn on the light to make sure the coast is clear and I remind myself that I am safe at least in the room.  I usually start to calm after that.  

    Sometimes this kind of thing is also related to having no safe place.  Do you share a room with someone that will ambush you thinking they are being funny-like your brother.  Do people in your house not respect your space and burst in at any moment.  

    We all have to deal with these things sometimes, but when it is constant it creates a situation that puts in a constant state of vigilance that can become fear with a little bit of anxiety about the unknown.

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