
Why am I so quiet yet if people saw my brain they would think I was a loud mouth?

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I know I'm a procrastinator but I suddenly realised I don't just think lots I think "round the bush" style. my brhow much I think. ALL the time, yabba yabba yabba think think think, talking to myself in my head, criticising things, analysing things, going over problems, thinking thinking thinking. yet I dont say a lot, and when I do it comes out rather randomly or I take a long winded route. It's almost like there is a physical problem where I can't take what I'm thinking and make them into words. I can have conversations, but they are very stinted and it takes a lot of effort to get what I'm trying to say out or get it to make sense (like i often trip over words).




  1. LOL! I sure understand what you mean. When other people get asked a question, 2 seconds later they spit out their answer and they're satisfied. My brain has to weigh the pros and cons of every response from every different angle- religion, animal rights, veganism, Buddhism- by the time the words get to my mouth my thought is so jangled up I don't make any sense- or I say two words.

    I think we're trying to please the person we're talking to with our answer instead of just going ahead and saying what we think. Come on, we know what we know, we know our feelings and opinions, why can't we just SAY them?

    Lots of females are brought up to please, and I think it gets in the way of expressing an opinion. We have to learn to say what we feel whether others agree with it or like it, or not. Then they are our true words, and they will be easier to say.

    I suffer from anxiety also, and it tends to clamp me up some. The little "inner-anxiety" mind is saying "are you sure that's the right thing to say? Huh? Are you sure?"

    Tell the anxiety voice to shut up!

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