
Why am I so scared?

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I have wanted a boy since I was a child. I was slightly disappointed when I found out my daughter was a girl, but I loved her still. Yesterday afternoon, we found out that we are having a baby boy. I am so excited, but so scared at the same time.

I grew up with all boys, 3 brothers, all male cousins (except 1 who was born 18 1/2 years after I was), so you'd think the fear of having a girl would be more prominent than the fear of having a boy.

I was up all night, scared out of my mind, waking up from nightmares. I feel like the fear is hindering my excitement. I almost want to cry.

I have really wanted a boy for so very long, and now that I am getting one, I'm afraid of having a boy. I was never afraid when I was pregnant with my daughter. What's wrong with me? I feel like a bad mom now. Is this normal and what can I do to stop the fear? I want to be excited, not scared.




  1. This change may be caused by the hormones as well. Just try to understand for yourself why exactly do you feel that fear inside.. is it just because of the fact you are having a boy, or maybe you are scared for the future, how things will be and how difficult it will be for you to take care of a baby boy.

    First of all, this is your baby and its all up to you, - the way your baby will behave n etc. Link this baby boy to your husband, let him take some participation on himself as a male. I believe, you have this fear only because of your hormones and it will all go away the moment you will deliver, just stay strong and proud of having a small dream inside you.

    Good luck!


  2. I wasn't sure how I woud do raising a boy although I always wanted one myself.  I thought it would just be easier with a girl...and I have grown up with LOTS of boys in my family.  In the end, I didn't worry about it.  Try to relax and think of the joys of the new baby.

  3. I'm not really sure why you would be afraid to have a boy...and I also don't have any suggestions for you other than to try to relax and not dwell on it so much. Its true boys and girls are different to raise in some aspects but most of them are the same and you will be just fine. The only bit of support I can give you is that I am also having a boy this time (my daughter just turned 2) and I have found this pregnancy SOOO much more emotional than her pregnancy. Everything is making me worry, stress out, get angry or cry. I can be super excited one second and worried about something silly the next. I am normally a very rational person so I'm chalking it up to 'boy pregnancy hormones'. Maybe thats all it is with you : ) good luck and I'm sure you'll be just fine : )

  4. Maybe you're not scared as much as you are overwhelmed with the fact that you are finally getting what you want. Relax and enjoy this moment. :-)

  5. I've never had a pregnancy last long enough to know the s*x of my baby but I really don't understand... what are you so scared about... hes just a boy...?

    All babies do the same actions regardless of their gender when they are first born.

    I'd just say to talk to your husband about it... he probably knows you better than anyone on yahoo answers and can give you a nice big hug :)

  6. aww, dont be scared!!! i have a little boy and 2 months, and i am soooo excited to do allll those boy things with him. I didnt have brothers and i cant wait to go fishing, play baseball, football, wrestle....your gonna be fine.... I think that because hes your second, your just nervous about a new baby period!...if your like me you are and its only because the first is so exciting and theres hardly any time for nerves...hes gonna be great!! mommys protector and plus, his due date is Dec. 13!!(thats my birthday)..that means hes gonna be awesome....just think about all of the fun you and your daughter are gonna have with this is good for you because he has an older sister to ask all those "girl questions" about...! ur off the hook!

  7. I dont understand why you are scared? but your correct in thinking feeling like this is hidering your excitment. Be happy & good luck with your new arrival!!

  8. I was scared when I found out we were having a boy too--- but I can tell you he's been nothing but a blessing. It's so normal for emotions to be outta whack while pregnant... as soon as you see him things will fall into place. Decorating his room calmed me down some too :-) Good luck!
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