
Why am I so scared when i get on a rollercoaster?

by  |  earlier

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everytime i about to ride a rollercoaster i feel i sudden fear,

my body isnt scared but my brain is!




  1. maybe ur afraid of heights

  2. i get the same felling as well probalby because your brain tells u to not  do that or this same as the rollar coster your brain is telling you it is dangerous...................that could be the problem

  3. mayb cus u think its gunna run off the track or sumthing..or it'll break while ur on it? lol thats what i used think wen i was afraid of them.

  4. the same thing happens to me

    i think its pretty normal and the only thing you can do is just breathe and force urself to get on the roller coaster

    the chainlift is usually the worst part but after that ur fear should go away and u should just be enjoying urself

  5. your just psyching yourself out.

  6. I always get the same feeling and I love rollercoasters. I guess it has to deal with the same reason people love to watch scary movies. Use the fear as adrenoline and soon enough it will turn into fun.

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