
Why am I so shallow? I don't want to be!?

by  |  earlier

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How come I cant fall in love with someones personality? I hate it, unless someone is VERY attractive I just dont fall for them. Even if their personality it to DIE for!

I just want to meet someone, but how can I when I cant fall for someone who is average looking. Afterall its the personality that counts. I try to force my self to fall for someone... But it just doesnt work. I dont want to get left on the shelf.




  1. well part of love isnt always love, initial attraction is lust by what turns you on.. its just a biological reaction in nature ,so dont feel all bad, but you might have some soul searching to do

  2. Maybe your just not ready, your not letting yourself fall for anyone. If you force yourslef it wouldn't be true anyways. It will happen for you trust me . When you meet him you'll know. =] hope i helped

  3. You can be attracted to anybody you want to.  Here's how to do it.  ask yourself the question "If I was attracted to this person how would I act?"  Then act that way.  it's going to feel wrong, and your not going to like it but if you do it you will become attracted to them.  

    Attraction is not a fixed value.  Have you ever found somebody attractive and then later been no way, what was I thinking?  We all have, lets look at that, what happened?  After you maybe got to know them a little and found they weren't for you, you changed your behavior towards them, that changed your feeling.  The same works in reverse.

    It does work the other way if you give it a chance, got to give it a fair go though. 5 minutes isn't going to do anything.

    I have a website that deals with relationships.  Follow the "feel anyway about anything" link for more detail.

    good luck  

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