
Why am I so slow/not improving at all?

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Today for cross country we ran a 2 mile time trial (it was really cool outside and there were a ton of hills) i got 21:21 and i got last, and no I'm definitely not a sprinter. I've been running since june (30+ minutes) and change up work outs like speed and long distance why am I so slow..and I feel like my endurance is not improving. I don't have any medical problems I am thin, 5'3 and 109pounds. I am 15 years old and a freshman. My longest run has been about 5.5 -6 miles




  1. Yes I would say stick with it. If you are still around the same mid season then talk to the coach.

    It does take time, particularly when starting out. Often 3 years of consistant training will give you a good base. WHen young and starting out training you have to be consistant in your training. At least 5 days a week when starting out. I found if I had 3 days off in a row then it would take a week or more to get back to the same level, but once you build up your background days off do not affect to fitness to the same level.

    So just keep it.

  2. Be patient It takes time. Running can be very rewarding, but patience and research is the key. "When you boost the intensity of your training, over time your muscles learn to endure more and difficult workouts feel easier. The body becomes more efficient at making energy and moving blood and oxygen to muscles where they're in demand. VO2 max improves and, voila, performance is elevated."  

  3. Have you been running everyday? What pace?

    If we could look at your summer workouts, we could tell more about what happened

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