
Why am I so slow?

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I started running a few monthes ago a lot, because i had hoped to do cross country at my school. I went to the track everyday and ran 2-5 miles. I did core workouts and other useful cross country stuff. I got my mile down to 5:57....and then we went on vacation. Now i get back and its gone. Today, i ran a 7:42 mile...It was weird, wats going on? i was gone 2 weeks and did little or nothing. Also how can i get better?




  1. Do what you did before. Obviously your body basically got lazy while you were on vacation. You need to do some sort of exercise even on a vacation; two weeks is too long to not do anything.

  2. The reason why you're so slow is because you took two weeks off. Even taking one week off will hurt your speed and endurance. You need to build your way back up slowly again. Do 2 miles, then 3, then 4, then 5. Gradually increase your speed as well. Don't jump back into it right away at the leven you were at before you left. try throwing in some speed workouts, like 400 and 800 repeats. and keep doing the core workouts. don't freak out, just keep focusing on the essentials in running-form, mentality, breathing. just keep working at it. good luck. [ :

  3. You don't sound that slow to me.  But going on vacation is much more than just skipping your workout.  You are also eating different, staying out late, etc (I think) and mentally you just have to get back into the swing of things.  Give yourself a few weeks and then check your time.  But running fast is not just about running.  Strenth training, working on sprints, swimming and doing some things you really enjoy make you much more rounded and a better runner all around.  You also might want to consider what you at that morning.  Just don't be to hard on yourself.  By the way, unless you are training for some type of race, your times sound wonderful.  A 6 minute mile is fantastic.  Give yourself about a month to get back to were you were.  Good luck

  4. first it depends if your fat. if so there you go ITS THAT SIMPLE!!!

    second its 2 WEEKS u got u lazy and gained weight so eat less and run more!!

    third an i REALLY MEAN THIS!! no more fugde cakes for u mr. or mam

  5. If you don't train for a day, that's like not training for about two days, so two weeks off is quite a bit of time.  I have a couple of suggestions to help your times.  Instead of running 2-5 miles, try running back to back miles.  Run one as fast as you can, walk for about 200 meters, and do another one until you fell you can't do it anymore, that should help your splits.  Other than that, seems like your normal training is working just fine.  The other thing I suggest is weight training while running.  They make weighted clothing (vests, shorts, ankle and wrist weights, belts, shoes) and if you start adding weight to your running, you'll trick your body and after you take them off after training for a while, your body will be able to move much faster.  Trust me, I did this with 20 pound weighted shorts and I shaved a lot of my time, and increased my vertical enough to touch the rim on a basketball hoop and I'm 5'8.  But doing that will strengthen your muscles faster and more effectively than normal running, and when you take them off you will be flying.
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